White Bison


In an apparent effort to keep a grip on life in these days of astonishing incidents (natural and man-made) we read increasingly about visions of the future, myths, and signs. The latest sign is the birth of a white bison.

On a farm in Connecticut the birth of an extremely rare white calf is being seen as a powerful message from the spirits by some Native Americans. A naming ceremony is planned for the end of July.

As reported by Ken Roberts of CantonRep.com (on Friday, July 13th by the way), “The calf, which looked ‘like a ghost’ when it was born, shocked Peter Fay (the owner of the farm), as did the ensuing excitement. Huge crowds are now expected to visit his farm, and the field is being guarded around the clock to protect the pale wonder.”

Whope Goddess of Peace

It is believed by the Lakota Sioux that the goddess PtesanWi Whope is a sacred woman of supernatural origin and seen as the primary cultural prophet. It has been passed on through oral tradition that she brought the Seven Sacred Rituals to the Teton Sioux and gave them the chanunpa or sacred pipe which is the holiest of all worship symbols and once appeared in the form of a white buffalo calf. The Lakota Sioux believe that the goddess will return once four such calves are born, bringing in ‘a new age’, which some reckon could be the end of the world.

According to Thomas Dodson at the National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown, N.D. there are only three white buffaloes in existence and now speculations are rife that this one could be the fourth.

The Hopis have made many widely publicised predictions, including the great shift – the ending of the Fourth World and beginning of the Fifth.

Bhagawati (aka Blue Feather), Osho News

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