Sannyas Initiation in a Dream

Letters / Opinions

An image of Osho from a Bombay discourse and a quote that went around the sannyas community a couple of years ago, had another recorded strong impact, resulting in taking sannyas. Shahido writes from Australia:

Last June I met Sutapa in Sydney when I offered an Osho Meditation Day there; she told me she had been reading Osho’s books for a long time but had no connection with sannyasins or Osho’s meditations. She had gone to the Dynamic meditation that Vistar organizes once a week and it nearly killed her!  She had to take a couple of days off work to recover and then she called me to ask what had happened to her.

I might say she is a very brave woman as the place where Vistar offers the Dynamic meditation must be at least 50 kilometres from her house and mostly Indian men go to this meditation.  I have met many of them and they are beautiful men but only one or two women participate. We talked about her trying the Kundalini meditation at home, I sent her a CD, and she has been doing Kundalini ever since.

Although I had only met her that one time we connected at heart level immediately and I knew she was Osho’s. How lucky we are to have found this master and he continues to call people. I am still in awe of him and this journey with him. Even though I feel sometimes not good enough for this job I have taken on, he still uses me and that is reward in itself for the hard times I have had sometimes.

Love and hugs, Shahido

Below here the e-mail exchange that lead to taking sannyas:


From: Sutapa
Sent: Saturday, 11 August 2012
Subject: Re: Osho’s love and grace

Dear Ma Shahido

Thank you so much for adding my name in your Osho friend email list.  While going through your communication with Sajel, it really touched my heart.

As you know, I am not a sannyasin of Osho but still feel a sort of longing from inside to be in contact with him as a sannyasin.  I had a dream of Osho on 19th of July, Tuesday in the early morning.  I met you in Sydney on 16th June, Saturday.  I have been doing Osho Kundalini meditation almost every day after I met you.

Osho was sitting in a room, the house looked like an Indian apartment, but the apartment was totally empty, no furniture at all, only a mattress on the marble floor covered with a bed sheet; it was a big hall.  He was sitting very quietly, looking very young (probably in his 30s), like on the photo you sent in the email.  I was with my elder sister in India in the adjacent room and looking at Osho sitting there I went and sat next to him on the floor; there was not a single word from him, I looked at him and said, you know I love your books.  There was no reply, then I covered my face with my right hand with my head down and started crying like a child; at that point Osho touched my left cheek (very mild touch). I can’t express how the touch felt like, I removed my right hand from my face and looked at his eyes, he was looking at me, very penetrating eyes. I lost my time orientation (in my dream I tried to find out how old I was but couldn’t work it out),  and I said ‘Osho, when are you going to give me Sannyas?’

We both were looking at each other… a very quiet moment… my tears dried up… Osho just uttered one word … NOW… with his calm eyes.  I replied to him NOW?  My now with a question mark reflected in his mirror-like consciousness where I realized my mind was looking for a ritual for Sannyas, as we have seen… so at that moment my mind was busy thinking about the mala and robe, I was thinking without the mala and robe how can I be a sannyassin… that was the reason of my question mark but in his eyesight my impure NOW? reflected, we both used the same word, so my impure NOW met his pure NOW.  Probably I missed it this time.

Then I found myself the other side of the room and my mother (in India) brought a candlelight as the early morning light was not so bright.  Osho was still sitting and holding an old thin handwritten book, maybe some scripture or something, and he said to put the light on. I switched the light on, my mother sat next to him and Osho started reading the thin book, but I can’t remember what the book was about. Then I opened my eyes, looked at the watch, it was 4:30 am.

A couple of days later, I went for a walk near the ocean; it was a bright sunny morning. On the way to the ocean there was a little bush walk; when I entered the bush, I was thinking of the dream and also was thinking of Osho’s touch on my left cheek, was wondering how a human touch could be so light and at that moment I felt a light warm touch on my left cheek just the point where Osho touched me.  I stopped and instantly thought this is the touch, that warmth and lightness, looked on my left side and found a ray of sunlight peeping through the bush and touching lovingly my cheek. Tears came out and felt for the first time the tremendous amount of love that we receive from the light every moment, and we take it as granted.

When I received this email, looking at his photo which is very similar to my dream image, I thought I will share this with you.

Love, Sutapa


To: Sutapa
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2012
Subject: RE: Osho’s love and grace

Beloved Supata,
Osho gave you sannyas in the dream. He works like this sometimes; in fact his ways are beyond our finite minds. I have no hesitation in saying all that there is for you to do now is to make your sannyas more visible. You know when we met how we connected immediately and that tells me you are one with him and with his lovers…I felt his presence when I read your email and I want to send you a mala. His ways of working with us are beyond our understanding and I am beyond words at this moment
Much love and hugs, Shahido


To: Shahido
Sent: Saturday, 11 August 2012 7:18 PM
Subject: RE: Osho’s love and grace

Dear Shahido
I have shared this dream with one of my friends, Devjani (Sydney) over the phone for the first time. Devjani is a disciple of Swami Hariharananda (kriya yoga lineage from Swami Paramahansa Yogananda). She also loves Osho books. After listening to my dream, Devjani said, Osho gave you Sannyas in your dream and then she shared with me a story of her friend who also got the initiation in her dream from her guru, but later on when she met her guru, the guru himself said he already initiated her on that night in her dream…but I thought at least her guru confirmed it physically.

When you too feel that this is my real Sannyas, I really feel very content inside.

Thank you so much for offering me the mala. Strange enough, last week I lost my gold chain which I used to wear always throughout the year. My husband found it in the bed where I lie down for last stage of Osho Kundalini meditation. Anyway, I didn’t wear the gold chain any more, now my empty neck is waiting for the mala to come from you.

Love, Sutapa



Related article Taking Sannyas in 2012

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