What Is Your Real Need?

Media Watch

Osho speaks on money, power, needs and dreams…

In their ‘Mysticism’ section, The Speaking Tree (New Delhi, India) published Suman Bala’s contribution on July 9, 2013

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Dear friends, inspired by Mr. Ranganathan Ganapathy’s blog titled ‘Man & Money’, I am sharing with you some very valuable thoughts from Osho’s book The Search.

Speaking Tree

Money attracts, power attracts – and without asking oneself: Why should I run after these things? We go on running. In fact, because the whole society is running, every child gets the disease by inheritance. Everybody is running – the child learns by imitation. The father is running, the mother is running, the brother is running, the neighbor is running, everybody is running – for power, prestige, money, things of the world. Unaware, the child is also forced into the main current of life. Before the child can start thinking, he is already running.

[…] See what is your inner need and then work for it, and work diligently for it, intelligently for it. But first see what your inner need is. And the inner need can be recognized only when you recognize who you are.

[…] I know people who have earned enough money; now they can retire. In fact, they have been saying their whole life that once they have attained to such money, they will retire. But they don’t retire. […] One very basic thing has to be understood: these things are not going to fulfill you because they are not basic needs. One needs something else. But that something else has to be searched for within yourself; nobody else can give you the direction. You have your destiny within you. You have the blueprint within you. Before you start running after anything, the most fundamental thing is to close your eyes, get in tune with yourself, with your energy, and listen to it – and whatsoever it say is good for you. Then you will feel fulfillment. By and by, you will come closer and closer to your blooming, to your flowering.

[…] The world is a dream. Not that it does not exist, not that it is not – the world is a dream because the world that you think is, is nothing but your dream, because you are asleep, unconscious, sleepy, moving, doing things. It is fortunate that you cannot go far! You can become awakened this very moment.

Source: Osho, The Search, Ch 1 (excerpts)


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