Tao alerted us to this video that shows the machine invented by Akinori Ito that turns plastic waste into oil.
After watching this video you might think this could be a hoax, and wonder why you never heard about it. It is real and all that can be done is get the word out.
It is a simple process in which plastic gets heated up in the machine; the vapors are trapped in pipes and water chambers and turns plastic into crude oil – which in turn can be used in generators and some types of stoves, or further processed into gasoline. One kilo of plastic turns into one liter of oil – the energy needed for this is 1 KW. Presently this machine (designed size-wise for households) costs about US$ 10,000 but the more people order it will become possible to reduce the price.
There are already larger models available, and a demonstration plant opened in 2009 in Washington, USA. Just imagine, if the million tons of plastic waste generated were converted back to oil, this would also ease the ever-increasing need of crude oil.
Read more about the Blest machine on Planet Inspired
Related article in Osho News: Sweden’s Positive Trash Dilemma
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