The Captain and the Camel


The new captain of an army camp out in the desert is being shown around the camp by his sergeant.

Sergeant: “This is the barracks, this is the armory and over there is the mess.”

Captain: “OK, great. Sergeant what is that old haggard camel doing in the camp?”

Sergeant: “Well Captain, with the soldiers being away from their wives and girlfriends they sometimes need a bit of a release if you know what I mean? (wink wink nudge nudge) So they use the camel.”

Captain: “I’m not sure I like this but as long as it keeps up morale, the camel can stay.”

After about 6 months of being away from his wife the captain is ‘feeling the need’. In the end he decides that if the others are doing it then so can he. He goes over to the camel and starts by trying to work out how he is going to achieve this. There is a little problem with height… He finds some boxes, climbs on them and then starts his ‘pleasuring’ session.

At this point the Sergeant walks by.

The Captain is quite proud of himself because he had worked out the box trick and shouts to the Sergeant.

Captain: “Hey Sergeant. Is this how the other guys do it?”

Sergeant: “No sir! They use the camel to ride to the next village where the brothel is!”


Credit: comments to The Guardian

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