Narendra Bodhisattva


…left his body on 15th May 2014.

Z. Mukti, Narendra and Divya at Dehradun
Narendra Bodhisattva
narendra in white
White Brotherhood Narendra and Mukti
Narendra giving sannyas
Narendra Darshan

Narendra Bodhisattva was born in Gadarwara, Madhya Pradesh, the same town where Osho grew up. They went to the same school. Osho mentioned that “Narendra has known me since he was a child.” *

Narendra studied Psychology at the University of Jabalpur where he also did his PhD with the thesis The Effect of Meditation on Personality Change under Prof Dr NCS Rao, but the real guidance for his research came from Osho. He then lectured at the PGBT college and became a career counsellor at Martand Higher Secondary School, Rewa.

In 1972, Narendra resigned from his job and led a Kirtan Mandali in Gujarat. In the same year he joined Osho in Mumbai to edit his Hindi books. From 1974 to 1980 he co-ordinated the Hindi publications department and published almost all of Osho’s Hindi books.

He visited Rajneeshpuram in Oregon and again joined the Osho Commune in Pune in 1986. Shortly after Osho left his body he decided to leave Pune together with Mukti. They moved to the Himalayas where they later founded the Osho Om Bodhisattva Commune at Dehradun. Narendra was also running the ‘Research Institute for Meditation and Understanding’, the ‘School of Bodhisattvas’ and a museum containing a small collection of gifts Osho gave to his disciples over the years.

He died from heart failure.

* Discourse where Osho answers one of Narendra’s questions: You Have Been With Me From Your Very Childhood


You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote using our contact form (pls add ‘Narendra’ in the subject field)…

Love you, ‘Funny Man’. You always made me laugh. I send big hugs to Mukti and Divya. XXX

I am really touched by his departure.
I am particularly grateful that I had the chance and privilege to have been close to him from time to time.
Such kindness of heart,
Such lightness of spirit.
He was our master’s teaching
And he was ready to go, I am sure.
On hearing the news this early morning I sat for an hour and then went down to my vegetable garden. Tears came and I remembered Osho often quoting the mystic poet John Donne;

No man is an island, entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent
Any man’s death diminishes me
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee.

Yes indeed.
We are all in this celebration together – however far away we live.
In the multitude of his blessings


Having stayed at Narendra’s commune so many times, I was always inspired by his light and humour, kindness and love for Osho. I am sure his soul is with Osho.

Remembering your childlike smile… Sending all my love to Mukti.

Narendra my beloved friend, I love you and I celebrate you. Today you were here and now you are gone! At Woodlands, I was so green, so lost, and you were one of the pillars then, extending love and friendship guiding me in the book translations. The cheerful compassion you had for me; Laxmi had me clean the toilets – before we had western public toilets in the Pune ashram – and you helped me with your chuckles, fun and sparkle so that quickly I came to enjoy that job and it was time to move on.
Prem Paras (Gabrielle Richards)

Lovely, lovely Narendra. I remember you with affection and sweetness. So much love to you, wherever you may be. Love,

‘For some moments in life there are no words’….
I must have been highly blessed to experience many happy, loving and inspiring moments with Narendra Bodhisattva. His life truly is Osho’s teachings. In the evening when I received the news, tears of gratitude showered. His leaving is a big loss for us, but the river was ready to be merged into the ocean! Prayers from my heart and love to Mukti and Divya.
Anand Richa

I am happy to remember his warm and cheerful nature – a real blessing to have known him as friend. My love goes to Mukti and Divya!

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