By mid-April the waves will slowly calm down and we will be able to put many things in our lives on a solid foundation, says Sitara.
Sun | 11° Aries – 10° Taurus |
Moon | 3° Virgo – 4° Libra |
Mercury, retrograde 19th | 20° Aries – 30° Taurus |
Venus | 17° Taurus – 22° Gemini |
Mars | 0° – 22° Taurus |
Jupiter, retrogade, direct 8th | 13° Leo |
Saturn, retrograde | 5°– 3° Sagittarius |
Chiron | 19° – 20° Pisces |
Uranus | 16° – 18° Aries |
Neptune | 8° – 9° Pisces |
Pluto, retrograde 17th | 15° – 16° Capricorn |
North Node | 10° – 9° Libra |
Lilith | 14° – 17° Virgo |
Full Moon, 4th, 12.07h GMT | 1 4° Libra |
New Moon, 18th, 18.58h GMT | 28° Aries |
Mood of the Moment
The long-term development towards fundamental self-liberation and profound renewal comes to a close in the first half of April, and only towards the middle of the month will the waves slowly calm down. Until then continue to navigate through stormy seas and face challenges, particularly in relationships. It helps to remind oneself again and again that this is all about nothing less than finally to be free of limiting beliefs that anyway only cause nothing but trouble. Goals in life can possibly be redefined now and everything concerning love and relationships appears in a new light. Our thinking and feeling is passing through a revolutionary process of change.
From the mid of April we start to take up a new position that enables us to act strong and courageously and put many things in our lives on a solid foundation. Finally, with the New Moon in Aries and Sun in Taurus we can finally restore harmony within ourselves and our life. Although eagerly awaited for a long time, this harmony may look completely different than we had fancied. The only thing left to do now is to let go of these old ideas. At the end of the month Neptune’s gentle vibrations will help us to do just that.
Aries: Uranus-Pluto continue to seethe on a bit, but forces will provide more and more a conciliation that steers the high energy powerfully in a positive direction. The time is right to facilitate one’s own visions concerning both large and small matters. To set one’s own compass, ask yourself: What is it that expands heart and mind, rejoices or steadies? The principal source of irritation is, as so often, impatience. Strengthen your confidence in a positive future and get on with realising it step by step.
Taurus: Venus wanders on, inviting you to more play and lightness. In return, Mercury and Mars enter Taurus and will help you to discover yourself and life more deeply. Honesty and realism are top priority. Do not be content with half truths, just because they seem to be more convenient at first. In the long term they would plant enormous obstacles in your way. Take a good look and the necessary action will follow by itself. Now take over the role of designing your life and enjoy every creative step.
Gemini: Overall a good month, with just as much grounding as also possibilities to start new things with zest. It is important here to be alert so as not to get bogged down particularly relating to others. Listen to the voice inside that helps you to remain grounded instead of constantly jumping on attractive bandwagons that could take you to interesting events with interesting contacts. Now it is usually more important to develop what you have instead of opening even more construction sites. Your lightness will continue.
Cancer: In early April there could still be tensions in your relationships, but they are just the aftermath of the last years with Uranus-Pluto. Now don’t fall back to old thought patterns about which you already know that they lead to a dead end. Rather, stay in the moment and take every day as it comes. Being in the flow also means on some days not to be in a flow. Don’t get excited, make the next step and enjoy the flowers by the wayside. Every day is new and everything may be as is.
Leo: In the first half of April the earth still trembles a little with aftershocks; keep to that within you that trusts, relishes and is happy. You still have four more months with Jupiter ahead of you – make the best of it! When doors open, walk through, even if it leads to unfamiliar terrain and perhaps even scares you. Be daring, and you will grow with all the challenges. In the second half of the month, Sun in Taurus will slow you down a little. Allow it, look around you and relax into the here and now.
Virgo: April is a month when you can fall back on all your internal and external resources, particularly your quick mind and enthusiasm. A soothing Earth-Trine will empower you. By all means plan for larger projects, and set about to build them up slowly, steadily and courageously. Despite your abundant energy you never lose your humility because you know that the energy is a gift. This makes it easy for you to overcome possible emerging obstacles or find a way around them.
Libra: At first there are still some challenges to master. Do not let verbal attacks unnerve you; they show the uncertainty of your opponent and have nothing to do with you. The entry of Venus into Gemini signals the start of a communication course: learning to unambiguously define yourself without becoming too tight and taking a generous attitude of laissez-faire without letting others run you over. In the last third of the month you can do both better and better. But nobody is perfect – don’t be too hard on yourself.
Scorpio: During early April there might still be power issues and you think you have to defend yourself. Stay alert, don’t take any action but wait because everything will probably find its own solution anyway. From the middle of the month it won’t only become more quiet but you also will feel more confident about your insights and abilities. You can assert yourself powerfully without the need to marginalise or even hurt others. With this authority you are even in a position to open up other’s own potential without any kind of competitive pressure.
Sagittarius: You start off into April with flying colours. In the second half of the month it is a necessity to pass some bottlenecks and circumnavigate cliffs. Stay with the matter and do what is necessary. Everything can be coped with. In the last third of the month reflect on what has been achieved instead of dwelling on all that which you still want to achieve. The latter puts you under too much pressure, thus your entire energy potential is not available. Also, by focusing on the future, you miss out on present resources.
Capricorn: First think, then act – this is how you will manage well to get through the turbulent first half of April. Mull over your goals by viewing them from various perspectives, not just from your own vantage point. In this way you avoid unnecessary friction. The less resistance you provoke, the greater chances have your projects. In the second half of the month you are persuasive and find support easily. A lot of strength is available to you now, and you are even able to bring unconventional projects off the ground.
Aquarius: A month of breakthroughs! In human affairs there could still be frictions, but even there you will reach to a more independent, freer position. Your goals change, much will become clearer about what you actually really want (and what not) and consequently your thinking will become clearer altogether. You no longer will let people talk you into things and you no longer will allow yourself to be used by others. On the other hand, in some other areas you will turn from an insurgent into an amicable ally.
Pisces: During this month it is all about relationships. The first half of April passes balanced – you are able to be with yourself and let go if you want to. In the second half of April you tend to expect too much from matters of the heart and get lost in pipe-dreams. Or you believe having to be unconditionally at the service of others – which also isn’t a sound foundation for a relationship. You advance if you switch on your mind, consider higher priorities or attend to practical matters.
Sitara became a disciple of Osho’s in 1979. She lives in Germany and has been writing the horoscopes of the German Osho Times since 1998. Passionate about astrology since childhood, she has published several books on the subject. She gives personal sessions, also over phone or Skype, focusing on spiritual development. Moreover, Sitara offers end-of-life care counselling (free of charge). She is currently teaching and writing about traditional advaita vedanta for Western seekers.
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