Osho and Obama: Experiences in a US Jail

Media Watch

Video of a talk by Osho and Obama.

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Thirty years ago the contemporary mystic Osho was dragged – after an illegal arrest – for twelve days through six jails across the United States. The Reagan Administration and the local Oregon politicians did everything to destroy Osho’s alternative commune in Oregon which provoked both the locals and the nation.

Key to this destruction was their attempts to silence Osho – who had started to get a lot of media attention – and to deport him from the US as he was fighting his immigration case through the US justice system.

After his jail experience Osho shared the shocking details of US mass incarceration which increased dramatically thereafter, but was not an issue at the time – people wanted to be safe.

It took thirty years and a first black US President to expose the cruelty happening to young people in US jails, particularly the black population. Obama is the first President ever to visit a jail while in office.

These video excerpts from an Osho talk and Obama’s statements in jail this week don’t need any comment.

What Osho says clearly shows though why writer Tom Robbins called Osho “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ.” This danger to the status quo is always sensed by the establishment – which then quickly tries to silence these people.

Osho is not just a meditation teacher, he is a revolutionary – not in a political sense, but in the sense of a revolution of consciousness, a rebellion against our old ways of living, our own ugly past. He is not promising to deliver hope or illusions like a politician, Osho offers tools for change but everybody has to take responsibility for changing themselves.

Video produced by Osho International

Related video
Tom Robbins About the Contemporary Mystic Osho

Suggested reading
Osho, It’s All About Change: The Greatest Challenge to Create a Golden Future for Humanitywww.amazon.com

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