What the dark does


A poem by Prartho.

Lac dore' by Sanjiva

The word shimmer
did not originate
with light.
It was brought over
from the blackbirds
as they quivered up
from the fields. They
themselves stole it
from the shadows
of wind-struck trees.
Shimmer leaked up
from the underworld—
coalmines and limestone
caves. Up from hidden fault
and shatter, the quake
of breakage and baritone
rattles in the hills.
Shimmer is what the dark
does when light
saunters up, all brightness
and warmth.
Shimmer is the ragged
breath dark takes
when light draws near.

PrarthoPoem by Prartho from her book ‘Elephant Raga‘ – prarthosereno.com
Illustration by Sanjiva – sanjivamusic.com
Find more articles and poems by Prartho on Osho News

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