Savita launches her new book


‘Dinner with Osho’ was launched on Thursday, January 18, 2019, at a celebration in the Yogi Tree Restaurant, in Koregaon Park, near the Osho Meditation Resort, writes Subhuti.

launch by Savita
Savita presents her book at the launch

After many years of research and writing, Savita Brandt has published her second book of stories about people’s personal connections with Osho, ‘Dinner with Osho’.

The function was organized by her friend Shruti, on behalf of the publishers, Dancing Buddhas Books, a creative venture located in India and aimed at publishing a variety of items relating to Osho, meditation and creativity.

As the event began, Subhuti, a long-time friend of Savita, introduced the author to an appreciative audience which had been invited for the occasion.

Savita introduced her book, explaining that it was very different from her first anthology, ‘Encounters with an Inexplicable Man‘, which contained dozens of anecdotes from a wide variety of people.

Her new book tells the story of just two women, who enjoyed long and intimate personal relationships with Osho in the Sixties and early Seventies.

Hidden in the crowd, not wishing to stand in the spotlight, was Shobhana, one of the two women featured in the book. The other woman, Urmila, died a few years ago, but not before passing on her story to Savita.

“It’s a lovely book and Savita is to be congratulated on preserving for posterity these accounts of how Osho worked with people personally, which would otherwise have faded into obscurity,” commented Subhuti.

The book also includes letters written by Osho to both women.

Savita with Subhuti at the launch
Savita with Subhuti at the launch

‘Dinner with Osho: Intimate Tales of Two Women on the Path of Meditation’ can be ordered directly through the publisher: –

Update: A review by Roshani now published:
‘Dinner with Osho’

In this video Savita explains how she came to write the book:

Related article
Encounters with an Inexplicable Man – Roshani reviews Savita’s compilation of ‘Stories of Osho as Told by his People’

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