Spirit Fest UK


A Summer Gathering in Bedfordshire, England, 15-18 August 2019 – with music, dance and art.

people dancing at Spirit Fest

British kora player, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Ravi spoke to Punya today leaving her a flyer for the Festival he has been co-organising for the last six years. At present he is visiting Corfu, for the first time, to play in Deva Premal and Miten’s band during their two Gayatri Festivals, before he rushes back to England. Here’s more about the festival:

Spiritfest posterSpirit Fest Summer Gathering is a festival for all ages with sacred music, dance and art from all traditions. The essence of the gathering is to explore the traditional methods of connecting with Spirit and Mother Earth as individuals, and as a family, through the ancient and modern shamanic, tantric and yogic techniques and methods.

This year the Summer Gathering will again be, just North of London, at The Clophill Centre in Bedfordshire, England. The music, dance and art is both indigenous to the UK and from world sacred traditions. There are also a wide range of workshops and ceremonies, as well as activities for children and youth, sauna, sweat lodges, veggie and raw food, therapies and massage, stalls and circles.

Leading artists featured in this year’s Summer Gathering include, Murray Kyle, Susie Ro and Mobius Loop.


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