Sadhan / Kevala


…left his body on 18 June 2020.

Osho Commune in Germany

Nirbija writes:

Our dear fellow traveler Swami Sadhan (Dr. Rudi Wormser) left his body on 18th June 2020. His life was dedicated to find his inner truth and to help spread Osho’s message. He was in his late 70ties.

During his last decade he lived in PanchaMama, Tyohar’s commune in Costa Rica, where he had adopted the name Kevala.

Returning from there, he was just about to settle again at Osho Parimal in Witzenhausen, Germany. Visiting his home in Heilbronn to get some of his belongings, he collapsed and suffered an upper neck thigh fracture. He was admitted to hospital and it was there he soon left his body. His son Pio wanted to fetch him, but he had already left for the other shore.

His friend Satyam wrote: “I am happy he could let go.“ A leaving celebration in his honor with life music happened a few days later at Osho Parimal. He had been instrumental in creating music celebrations with friends in the 1980’s. He was a great guitarist and enchanted everybody with his Osho songs!

Sadhan/Kevala was presumably born before or during World War 2 in the frequently air-raided city of Heilbronn. His parents owned a hotel, which remained miraculously intact. He studied Psychology in Munich and later became a professor at the university. There he met his lifelong friend Prem Veda Hammerla, a medical doctor specializing in mental illness.

Sadhan took sannyas in the late 1970’s in Pune and later lived in many Osho communes. His ways were immensely sensitive and non-intruding. The day he arrived at the then already infamous Purvodaya Rajneesh Ashram outside Munich, he simply started to weed  their garden without talking to anybody.

Finally they invited him in. He later was part of Oshostadt Wolfbrunn and Misfit City Parimal. There he joined again with his heart-brother Prem Veda and his wife Satyam. He helped turn this big farmhouse complex, called Gut Hübenthal near Witzenhausen, owned by Count Sittich of Berlepsch, also a sannyasin, into what later became known as the Rajneesh Parimal (Parimal means fragrance).

Sadhan and his companion Sujatiya initiated the first Tantra groups there, joining meditation and hypnosis and techniques like Talking to the Body/Mind. He introduced Instincto, which is eating strictly raw food, and followed this diet his whole life. Satyam wrote: “He had a strong presence, clarity, vision and a big heart for everybody.“

Sadhan’s feminine masculinity was very attractive to the female fold. And it seemed also his livelong passion. He was chosen as an actor for the Tantric movie ‘Abenteuer meiner Seele’. It created much stir in the media.

He also wrote a book called Sensitivspiele (Playfully being sensitive). It is still available at amazon and booklooker.

Sadhan came into my heart in Heidelberg in the late 80’s. He had helped to create the Rajneesh Chrandrareka Meditation Center in the clinic of his sannyasin doctor friend Navino. We bonded during meditations like Osho’s Mystic Rose. I felt so accepted and loved by him that I had wished to have had him as an elder brother.

I was lucky he commissioned me to build a greenhouse for him in the vineyards. He was such a generous man. He later used it to meditate there. One of his gifts to me was to introduce me to a seer. We met this completely ordinary man while sipping the first fresh brew of wine called Federweißer in a garden bar. My former professional life had crumbled to pieces and this man’s message was so reassuring – I would make it. I did!

We met again from 2010 onward thanks to Osho’s caravanserai as he visited Satyam and Prem Veda regularly in Parimal. He appeared to me by now withdrawn into himself and seemed to use his remaining energy to maintain himself. His body had became frail and very thin. Prem Veda had already passed away. He knew that the final and most important adventure layed ahead of him.

I am so grateful that our ways joined for some time and wish that he dissolves into the unknowable as gently as he lived. Kevala (Kaivalya) means the state of grand liberation both within this life and after death.

Text by Nirbija, thanks to Satyam, for photos to Vardhan, Nirbija, Niranjano and Sangeeta, alert thanks to Parinit and Mega


You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote using our contact form or by writing to (pls add ‘Sadhan’ in the subject field).

Beloved friend ,
since Osho left the body, we spread in all directions and lost sight of each other.
Very recently I was thinking of you, remembering old times in Pune 1 and 2.
Now you are on your last travel and I am preparing mine.
So many old friends have left already to the beyond.
I never forgot your tender attitude to everyone.
We worked together for a short time in Pune 2 and had lots of fun, in spite of your silent presence.
You are in my heart.
In love with love.
Ma Satprem

I am sure that Sadhan Kevala is on this last journey and that he found moksha.
Sadhan Kevala and me have been fellow travellers for almost 7 years (starting in 1986). We met – how could it be different 😉 – at a Tantra group with Margot Anand. Besides the man/woman issues, we shared a deep love for Osho and we emerged into translating Osho’s words into German. We both had fun with it, to find the correct words without bringing ‘ours’ into it.
As our time together was ending he made me a very special gift – which should influence my life on a bigger scale – he invited me on a sailing tour at the Canaries with the issue of inter-species communication between cetaceans and human beings. I did not know at that moment that I would dedicate a huge part of life into this and still do.
Somehow we always stayed in contact and met few years ago at Parimal, somehow knowing that we might not see each other again. We walked hand in hand trough the forest. Sadhan was a bit embarrassed that I had to pay the cherries we enjoyed. Weeks later I received an interesting book about whales.
Since a year I have been feeling that I have to say HELLO and write him… Life gave me another lesson in not postponing and following the impulses.
I am sure you will enjoy the company of the angels 😉
With a silent heart and all my love,

Farewell, Sadhan, with a little smile I say goodbye, seeing you again…
I remember you when you where my neighbour in the Tantra-hall under the roof, in Purvodaya, and from my intake-talk, where you where hammering on me, to give me really full motivation to move into Purvodaya, no matter what I would come across. Yes, I loved your gentle presence full of love and compassion.

Oh, Sadhan… was thinking of him recently, for „no reason“..
I first met him at the University in Munich. His courses in Experimental Psychology were so popular, as he created the most outrageous social experiments with his students. This was around 1975.
Probably 3 years later I started participating in meditation camps in Purvodaya, the Bavarian Osho commune. There he was again… lovely, crazy, sensitive, sexy and very intelligent.
He always seemed to me like somebody who lived sooo passionately and burned his torch from both sides.
Lovely One, I feel you in the air… farewell, dance your wild dance!

Yes, fly high, dear Sadhan. Your deep wisdom combined with your here-and-now presence was a gift to everyone.
Just giggling now…

It seems fitting to add some words to describe the last 20 years of Kevala’s life. He was a founder of the Pachamama Village in Costa Rica and received the name Kevala from Tyohar. He built a simple home and garden in the forest and graced his presence of overflowing bliss and silence in Oshohall.
Pachamama gathered to honor his life and share sweet stories, and all agreed his infectious laughter echoes in our hearts always.

Beloved Sadhan,
yes, you were a lover, a lover of women and a lover of Osho and a lover of Love.
Your lightness in singing and doing groups, your gentleness in living together.
I enjoyed living with you in Purvodaya and when I took things seriously you helped me to understand and let go.
You were a wonderful man.

Hey Sadhan! Fly High in death as you did in life! Always remember you from the Rajneeshstadt times and later in Pune. For some reason you came to my mind last month. Maybe it was your goodbye greeting?! Farewell blessed soul!
Jayadip <3

Beloved, we met in the Gardens of Pacha Mama, sharing the vision of and around Tyohar and Chandani and the small group of fellow travelers. You invited me to start making space for the growth of vegetables and it was the first and by now last time that I used a macheta! Back in 2000. Unforgettable! Fly high, you juicy friend, mirror, crazy precious one.

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