(3 November 1956 – 9 January 2021)
Satyodaya writes:
Angelika left her home town Stuttgart for good in the late seventies, after finishing her apprenticeship as a window dresser and now of legal age, heading for Lower Bavaria. There she lived in several rural communities, living together in farmhouses, a lifestyle very popular in alternative circles in those days.
In 1977 her daughter, Ma Anand Prema, was born. They moved to Einberg, an ashram known as Prasad, one of the first in Germany. There she became acquainted with Osho and the sannyas scene. She lived there for a while in her self-made tipi.
In early 1981, Angelika moved to Purvodaya, where she received her mala from Siddhartha on her birthday, February 3. She immediately became part of the family and many might remember her running the boutique or working at the reception greeting the many guests with her special smile.
She stayed in Margarethenried when the ashram received the new name, Sneha. There she was also part of the satsang band, singing or playing the tamboura. This is when I fell in love with her and since then we have been living together – from December 1983 until now.
In 1984 Angelika was invited to join the RHT program in Rajneeshpuram, and worked as a helper in the ward. Coming back she again worked in Reception, but this time in Munich, at the Rajneesh Byen Commune which had in the meantime melted with Sneha.
In 1985 she moved to Dörfchen Rajneesh in Berlin and lived there for six months, working as a secretary. End of 1985 she received another chance to go to the Ranch. We arrived just in time to welcome Osho back from his odyssey through the jails of the USA. But not after too long we went to the airport runway to say goodbye to him heading for India. At that time Angelika used to clean the townhouses between Lao Tzu and Magdalena.
After coming back from the Ranch end of December we moved out of the commune and in January 1986 we started our life ‘in the marketplace’. We moved to the outskirts of Munich with our beloved friends Gyansheel and Nirala and our kids.
Angelika worked as a secretary during the week and as a barmaid in the Far Out Disco on weekends, in order to be able to go to Poona for a few weeks to be again with our beloved master in Chuang Tzu auditorium in 1987.
In 1988 we stayed in Poona for six months. Angelika had a good time working with Hafiz in the ‘computer research department’. I think that’s what it was called, only to ‘work’ with Osho’s words. We went back to the West for only four months to again earn money to stay for another year at the ashram – until our beloved master left his body. At that time Angelika assisted Veena to organize the Creative Arts department and sometimes she was guarding in Lao Tzu while Osho sat with us in Buddha Hall.
Again thrown back into ‘the marketplace’, we committed ourselves for three years to be part of the Far Out disco crew, while we lived in Dhamma and Raja’s beautiful house close to lake Tegernsee.
In 1991 we went back to Poona for another four weeks, and the following year, just for a couple of weeks, we went to check out the scene in Byron Bay, Australia. In 1994 we gave up everything in Germany to finally move to the Byron Bay area, but we only managed to stay for six months because we had missed just by a few points to qualify for immigration papers – even with the kind help of Amitabh. We then took the chance to travel all over Australia before flying back to Germany.
Back to her roots, Angelika did not shy away from taking on any work, on a construction site or doing cleaning jobs. We moved to Upper Bavaria close to the mountains and the city of Salzburg. There we lived in different locations. We refurbished houses and flats, and left them behind more beautiful, something we owed to Angelika’s skills, her creativity and good taste.
While working as a secretary, she even created on the side another beautiful space in the countryside in Hungary. She refurbished it and made a beautiful garden with her love for roses and herbs. We somehow had the idea of a new, loose commune. Many friends came, some still stay, but for us this chapter finally closed after 20 years.
Thanks to her many talents Angelika took various trainings, such as holistic health advice, relaxation pedagogue, hot stone massage, book lay-outing or online and telephone advice for health products. She was such a multi-talented person. She loved cooking and baking, even making her own soaps and delicious ice-creams and jams. Angelika also loved travelling all over the world and had visited many places.
Angelika left her body peacefully after dealing courageously for two years with pancreatic cancer. She always stayed optimistic, with a strong will to live, and used all kinds of alternative therapies, i.e. acupuncture, mistletoe therapy, special nutrition, Feldenkrais, osteopathy and QiGong, accompanying three rounds of chemotherapy nearly in a row.
Her daughter, Prema, and I were very lucky and grateful to be able to accompany her weakened body. We played Osho music and put a rose and her mala on her belly. After her last breath, all of a sudden everything became completely quiet and still, inside and also outside the intensive care unit. The whole atmosphere turned so peaceful that it calmed and relaxed us, too, and we felt that the right thing had happened.
Angelika’s last wish was to see the ocean. It did not come true, but – she became one with it! She proudly leaves behind her beloved daughter, Prema, and her so-much-loved grandson, Julian. On February 3 we would have celebrated her 40th sannyas birthday.
Her urn will be interred in a forest and her being celebrated with her many friends and fellow travellers as soon as that becomes possible again.
In love and gratitude,
Satyodaya (satyodaya@t-online.de)
This article contains excerpts courtesy of Viha Connection, Ma Sunder Avinasho.
For further impressions of Angelika’s travels you are welcome to watch them here: www.mediendesign-hoerl.de
Satyo writes on 29 September 2021:
We finally had our promised farewell celebration for Angelika last Saturday. Present were, among others: Shreyas, Sudaula, Hamido, Shantamo, Nutan, Hafiz, Sharabhi, Parijato and Mahendra aka Ananya. Red-haired Manja was our host in her crazy location. Many more invited friends and fellow travellers could unfortunately not show up due to their holiday plans or other obligations somewhere else on the planet…
As Samarpana wrote from Sidney: “I would have thought I should have recognised more people, I guess we all are a bit more pickeled and morphed away from our 20’s look, but I did have an inkling about a fair few of them…”
My beloved mum,
I thank you for all your unconditional love.
A rare and incomparable love.
You put everyone else first.
All my life you helped me to become the person who I am today.
Thank you for helping me learn to make the world a better place – each single day.
You showed me to have respect and empathy for each soul and each life.
Thank you for loving our Julian so much.
Thank you for being my mum – I couldn’t have chosen better.
I could lean on your shoulder when I needed it most.
You showed me love when I didn’t feel it.
You made me laugh when I lost it.
I wish you a lot of love, light, peace and happiness.
Have a great journey, mama.
Infinity love,
Fly high
Om shanti shanti shantih
Jivan Sahaj
Beloved Angelika,
Hearing of you leaving for the other shore really hit me.
It hit me intensely with the most wonderful memories of your beautiful smile, your laughter and your warm and gentle presence. What a rare flower you were and how much love and fun and light you radiated!
I can feel you deep inside.
I can see your smile.
And I know you will just continue to be an angel!
I look forward to see you again 🙂
Lots of love and a big hug,
Oh Angelika,
There are no words really to express the immensity of such happenings, though we know it and we should be ready for it. But when one friend like you is not anymore with us in the way we are accustomed to relate to, it is always a big, an immense thing, where certainly the mind is not of any help.
Years goes by one by one and all of a sudden you realize it is over a decade, that we are not in direct contact… I did not know of your latest health issues, so the news is like a thunder in a blue sky. Somewhere inside time plays no role and once a connection has been established it remains there nailed, without even realizing it is so, till the lightening… leaving a knot in my throat.
Have a good flight dear friend,
Fly high, beautiful soul. I remember you as a beautiful, loving, warm being, with lots of humor. We shared some beautiful time together in Purvodaya, Dörfchen, Munich and
Lots of love and hugs also to Satyodaya.
Ma Nirdosh Mahak
I had the privilege to live with Angelika in Germany in the ’80s. She was a beautiful and refined soul. Very gentle and loving.
Fly high my friend, you definitely made the Earth kinder and more joyful.
We will meet again in the Light!
Martha Ballesteros – Shakti
Beloved soul,
The day I read about your departure I suddenly felt as if hearing your voice in a kind of happy chatter, even with your Schwäbisch accent! Time was for a few moment bridged to the 80ties, the period of my first baby steps into Osho’s Sneha Ashram. There I had met you first. You filled this magic place with your grace and beauty.
Thank you for the music and joyful message of your angelical voice. We seem to be all one in this mysterious Osho sangha – even beyond our temporary bodies.
Hope we meet again.
Love and Bon voyage,
You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote using our contact form or writing directly to web@oshonews.com (pls add ‘Angelika’ in the subject field).
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