

(4 December 1955 – 13 February 2024)

Ruth Wohlschlegel
Ruth Wohlschlegel – Credit Press Kit on

Deva Anshu (Ruth Wohlschlegel) was a German TV actor, coach and teacher, probably best known for impersonating Lissy Krug in the currently running ZDF series Frühling (Spring), where she appeared on and off since 2013. Her final appearance will be in episode 49 which will be aired on 10 March. Anshu has also appeared in episodes of the popular crime series Tatort (Crime Scene).

Anshu studied acting at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg and at the renowned Lee Strasberg Institute in Los Angeles. After several theater engagements at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, the Freie Volksbühne Berlin and the Wuppertaler Bühnen, she opened her own acting studio in her home town of Wörthsee in Bavaria. Since 1979, she has appeared in front of the camera in more than 20 film and television productions. She was also a painter and had numerous art exhibitions in Munich and Berlin.

As Anasha and Anubuddha remember, she came to Pune at the end of May 1981, the very day Osho left for the States. But she still took sannyas and received the name, Ma Deva Anshu, meaning Divine Light Rays or Divine Sunbeam.

She died at the age of 68.

Video annoucement by celeb mag, Promipool (in German): and other media

Zest for Life

by Anubuddha and Anasha

Deva Anshu had an incredible Zest for Life and the ability to follow her heart that were an inspirational delight to be around. She left her body peacefully, early on Valentine’s Day, in the arms of her beloved of over 35 years, Rajen (aka Joachim).

Born near the Black Forest, she had a big love for Nature… and wherever she lived, she created beautiful gardens, always with the expert landscaping help from her gifted partner, Rajen.

Anshu arrived in Pune on the day Osho flew to America. We laughed a lot about that and about the many other adventures which often included a ‘How is that even possible?’ Returning to Europe, she went with Anasha to the Sangam Commune in France. She then also spent many months in Rajneeshpuram where she worked as a nurse in Pythagoras – with, of course, many zany anecdotes!

Anshu is perhaps the dearest and longest-lasting girlfriend Anasha ever had… They shared so many moments of pure love and joy since meeting way back in 1975 during Enlightenment Intensive (where else?) near Berlin.

Anshu and Anasha
Anshu and Anasha, on the wall one of Anshu’s paintings

Already in the 70’s she was involved in theater, having studied extensively with Lee Strasberg. In the Berlin Osho Communes she always got involved with all the performances with Anuragi and others… In Pune 2, she played a beautiful role in the Osho Creative Arts department, most notably directing the well-loved Little Prince performance with the help of Amiyo and Prageet.

For a few years after Osho had left his body, our second home was Munich, and we always stayed with Anshu and Rajen. She had a knack of finding enchanting places, a little away from people. We spent so much time laughing together… Anshu was always very positive, open to enjoy every little detail of life. Even these last 10 years, whenever we had the chance, we would visit her and Rajen… going for beautiful walks and enjoying many precious moments together.

Bavaria is one of the hubs of the German TV and Movie industry where Anshu was quite active. She had also begun mentoring young actors, and many of her former students are well known today. The German press is writing extensively about her passing, as she was a well-known and current actor in German TV and movies.

Anasha and I are definitely touched to the core and feeling the immense mystery of Love Life & Laughter. What a blessing she has been for us and for many others whose life she has touched!

Anshu in garden with Anasha and Rajen
Anshu toasting to Anasha and Rajen

Credit for alert goes to Upchara

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