(26 February 1961 – 17 March 2024)
Premtirth (J. Salem), a sometimes silent, slightly withdrawn star of the Munich sannyas community, left his body at the early age of 63. We are extremely sad, and yet we, his friends, feel that his soul was of course well prepared and ready. He was found dead by his neighbour; it was probably a heart attack.
Premtirth, shining from the background, was in his unique way totally devoted to Osho, to Osho‘s lectures, and to Osho’s meditations, with a focus which is exceptional. For over 40 years he did the Dynamic Meditation, the Kundalini Meditation and Nadabrahma daily and sometimes even more. He listened to Osho’s lectures all the time, and posted the most precious collection online on Facebook, so frequently that his FB profile was often closed down for a while!
Premtirth was so dedicated to this mission, that also our community profited from his loving and precious devotion. In the past, he offered and lead the Dynamic Meditation daily in various centers and yoga schools around Munich. This was his mission. And here I would like to express our deep gratitude and great respect for this devoted, dedicated, and focused heart.
As far as I know, he never made it to Poona, or to the Ranch, so never met Osho personally.
In the 80s and 90s he was the one to greet us, every Saturday, for the Sannyas Disco at the Osho Tao Center, where he also ‘worshipped’. In his spare time he was often of service to his many friends, when they had to move apartment, or helped them set up their booths at the summer and winter Tollwood Festivals in Munich.
As the owner of the Midheaven Bookshop I had the privilege of having regular personal contact with him, as he often came by. I always appreciated his company and his presence.
Beloved, dearest Premtirth, you will be sincerely and dearly missed.
Vardhan (Helena)
Dear Sannyas Community! I would like to post an obituary for Premtirth, who died unexpectedly on 17 March!
He was a faithful meditator and truly an Osho sannyasin with heart and soul!
I was regularly with him for the last two years for the Kundalini Meditation, with passion and devotion to this brilliant legacy of Osho.
I miss him dearly as a friend and fellow-traveller, but perhaps he has been spared much in this future on Earth. Good bye.
Prabhato Alice
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Premtirth, I will miss you, your big, big heart, your openness – Premtirth means ‘Temple of Love’ – your devotion for meditation, your devotion to Osho…
Your amazing and inspiring discipline and passion of doing hours of meditations per day for years will not be in vain – they will let you now fly higher and higher. The soul is returning home.
Though I was only at the Osho Tao Center a short few months, I remember you so well as a gentle soul, full of presence, full of the Master’s grace. You left the body suddenly… not a bad way to begin the next adventure!
Dear Premtirth,
I remember you vividly as for many years you were part of the Munich Sannyas world, particularly of the big TAO Center at the Klenzestrasse.
Your commitment to meditation was total and your devotion for Osho could be felt by many, although you didn’t make much fuss about it.
I couldn’t believe it when some friends announced that you left us already.
Born as a Pisces you had a gentle, sensitive heart, and I was wondering if the banning through FB had been difficult for you. It’s hard to get punished for one’s love!
May you find rest and peace travelling towards the light!
Beloved Premtirth,
I wish you from my all heart a wonderful journey home.
I am sure you are in good hands now and you will enjoy all the blessings from our beloved master Osho…
Much love & joy
Veet Ateet 🙏🥰💖
Ja, in der Tat bist du eine sanfte Seele. Wir hatten uns in den 90er Jahren in Tao-Zeiten getroffen. Und du vermisstest mich nachdem ich München verlassen hatte. Ich wünschte, du hättest die Arbeit, die du geleistet hattest, länger erledigen können, und all diese Vorträge und Beiträge für diejenige, die Deutsch nicht gut verstehen, weiter übersetzt oder etwas anderes gefunden haben, womit du weiterfliegen hättest können, während du hier bei uns wärst. Aber jetzt ist deine Zeit gekommen, den Planeten und uns alle zu verlassen.
Es ist ein wenig beängstigend, dass du so früh gegangen bist. Ich bin so glücklich, die Zeit in Munch mit dir und ein paar Telefonanrufe in den letzten Jahren verbracht zu haben. Du hattest mich geschätzt und ich war auch dankbar. Vielen Dank, dass du deine Liebe und Einblicke geteilt hattest. Du wirst immer einen Platz in meinem Herzen und vielen anderen Menschen haben.
Fliege weiter hoch und tief, Schatz❤️
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