From Subhan’s desk; “It touches the heart because that innocence is our nature within.”
Innocence. It can almost be tasted! It’s available in animals, especially the young. And, it’s available in small children.
It touches the heart because that innocence is our nature within. Both the pet’s and the child’s innocence touch that inner reality.
But the life of humans – for whatever “reasons” existence may have – is to LOSE that innocence as a child because it is lived unconsciously. It MUST be lost in order for us to grow UP! Otherwise we would stay caught in unconsciousness.
Only after it’s loss is there the possibility of reconnecting with it consciously. So when the dis-identification with the mind is complete, there is extraordinary wisdom, AND there is innocence. It can be found in every mystic. And, most importantly, it is within EACH of us!
Enjoy the innocence felt in our pets. And rejoice in the child’s loss of innocence. That loss is the fuel that will help us return home, to our inner nature… to an innocence that is conscious.
Featured photo from Pixabay
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