Osho in difficulty

Remembering Here&Now

Two short stories from Ludhiana by Ageh Bharti


Kusum is the wife of the late Kapil ji. In those days they lived in Ludhiana and in March 1970 they were hosting Osho for three days in their home. I was there as well as I had accompanied Osho from Jabalpur.

One late evening while returning home by car after dinner at the PWD guest house, Kusum sat on the left side of Osho in the back seat and I sat in front next to the driver. Something struck in my mind, I turned back and told Osho that I had a request. Osho looked into my eyes and asked me to speak.

“Acharya ji, in your presence I feel so fearless and never feel afraid of anything, not even of Yamraj, the god of death. But please can you give me your word that you will be present at the time of my death?”

Kusum immediately jumped up and said to me, “Shiva Bhai, you have stolen my wish! I wanted to ask the same.”

Osho chuckled and said, “But please, both of you, don’t die at the same time, otherwise I will be in difficulty.”

We all laughed and laughed and laughed until we reached home.


This is another story from Ludhiana, from that same visit in March 1970.

Osho was chit chatting with friends in the afternoon quite leisurely, when an old, simple woman asked him, “Guru ji, I have killed a lot of mosquitoes and bugs. Will I go to hell?”

“Whom do you worship?” Osho asked her.

“Rama,” she replied.

Osho said to her, “Say Rama, Rama at the time of death, and you will not go to hell.”

The woman was OK with that, but after a while she asked, “And if I die of a heart attack, there will be no time for me to say Rama Rama.”

Osho laughed and said, “Don’t you worry, you will not die of a heart attack.”

She then felt relaxed.

Photo by Егор Камелев on Unsplash

Update 1.7.2024: Both stories are from the same visit. It previously stated that the second was from 1969, instead of 1970.

Ageh Bharti

Ageh Bharti

Ageh Bharti is a writer and the author of Blessed Days with Osho, Beloved Osho, and 22 books in Hindi on the topic of Osho. facebook.com

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