Ageh Bharti hears a story from Ma Dharm Jyoti, about Ma Bhagwati from Mumbai
Geeta Bharti tells Ageh Bharti about her memories of Osho when he resided at her family’s Jabalpur home.
Ageh Bharti visits Ma Kusum Bharti at the Osho Prem Bindu meditation center – and also remembers Osho’s early travels in the Punjab and a small event involving Kusum and Osho in Kulu Manali.
Ageh Bharti recalls the time when he was suspended from work as a Locomotive Pilot with Indian Railways, facing charges for causing a derailment.
During the Mt. Abu meditation camp in September 1971, Ageh Bharti asked Osho about his health since he had moved to Mumbai.
Ageh Bharti recalls an experience he told Osho about, to which Osho responded, “It is the highest stage of mind that has happened to you.”
Ageh Bharti recalls the preparations for Osho’s move from Jabalpur to Mumbai, during which he tells the story of Buddha being caught by giving promises to Ananda.
Ageh Bharti remembers Osho giving several public talks and private interviews, among them a meeting with acclaimed poet Bachchan who also made a prophecy about Osho’s destiny.
Ageh Bharti remembers a public talk Osho gave at a meeting of all religions in Jabalpur in the late sixties.
As told to Ageh Bharti by Advocate Heera Singh Chauhan, who tells him about meeting Osho visiting Jabalpur prison while he was incarcerated.
Ageh Bharti asks a personal question while waiting for Osho’s train to arrive – an Aha moment ensued.
Ageh Bharti remembers certain incidents while working on the publication for one of the early Osho magazines.
Excerpts from Ageh Bharti’s recollections about the meditation camp held by Osho from December 9 – 12, 1969 at Junagarh, Gujarat.
Ageh Bharti remembers Osho explaining the nature of the work to volunteers at the meditation camp in Nargol, Gujarat, in 1968.