Osho’s Insight into Philosophy

Letters / Opinions

Sangeet’s new/old project is now starting with a fundraiser

Osho's books

A few decades ago, as Osho neared the time to leave his body, he gave topics for books to quite a few people. Many of those topics related to personal experiences, but mine was to present Osho’s philosophy to Western intellectuals. This was a time when Osho was being portrayed as a cult leader and brainwasher, and we were just the cultists. Few people outside our community had the courage to take Osho seriously. At the same time Western philosophers were asking how they could know from the intellect what is factually true, and consciousness in Osho’s terms was not the focus. Many had come a long way from Socrates, and not in a good way.

I had been the City Attorney for Rajneeshpuram and for the former (and now again) Antelope in Oregon. In Pune 2 I wrote for and edited the Rajneesh/Osho Times, so philosophy wasn’t my specialty. I was intrigued and interested by the potential of the project but didn’t see a way to reach my assigned target group of Western intellectuals, at that point in time. I felt that if I tried to write this at the wrong time, the effort would be wasted, and I would miss the opportunity to share Osho with a new group of people who could take His insight to students and intellectuals around the world. I felt deeply that the philosophy professor Osho had been, and the Master he is to us, wanted his insight shared with students and intellectuals around the world.

So, I waited. I read philosophy over the years and revisited the topic from time to time. A few years ago, some Western intellectuals, particularly in England, began to examine the concept of world philosophy; how different worldviews relate to each other. I felt this was the opening I needed to present Osho’s insights to people in a context where they would be prepared to listen. It’s an opportunity to introduce Osho’s insight to people who were unlikely to listen or understand a few decades ago. They might not even have been born yet.

In the meantime, I, like all of us in my Osho generation, have gotten older, and working full time while researching and writing this book on the side has become more challenging. So, I’ve decided to see if people in the community might help, and I’ve sent out a GoFundMe request (gofund.me). All help will be deeply appreciated and will allow this to be done more quickly.

Things sometimes look bleak in our world these days, with hate and ultraconservatism sweeping the planet, so I find it’s encouraging that there are openings for deeper communication as well. I feel Osho’s insight and philosophical approach to life and consciousness is needed now more than ever.

So, I welcome all levels of support in this endeavor. Thank you!


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