Synchronicity: A wake-up call


Phoebe explains how our horoscope comes into being each month

Phoebe demonstrating her astrological board game at the publisher’s stall in 1986 and in Croydon Hall in 2001

Each month, when preparing to write the horoscope page by choosing appropriate texts for the different signs from my many volumes of Osho discourses, I experienced a strange magic. It seemed that synchronicity had a way of guiding my eye to alight on just the right book. At present, though, I’m being consistent and reading through for the second, or maybe the third, time my four volumes of the Dhammapada discourses. It was one of these, spoken live by Osho, that welcomed me when I first arrived in Poona in April 1980. Synchronicity must have had a hand in things from the very start!

While sitting up in bed with a cup of early morning coffee reading Osho’s words, some of the sentences always seem to stand out visibly on the page. These are the ones that stir in me a deep tingly response, and I note down the references. Later I collect the highlighted quotes together, edit them, and choose suitable texts from my harvest that I feel are appropriate for the twelve individual zodiac signs. My experienced astrologer’s intuition senses what’s likely to be happening in the personal lives of their earthly representatives.

And, lo and behold, this process results for the reader in an oracle game in the form of the Osho News horoscope. Have you ever noticed that, in horoscope columns in general, the text for your sun sign can be oracular provoking the question how on earth can the stars know what’s going on in my life? Yes, how do the stars know?

I first became struck by the phenomenon of synchronicity after creating an astrological board game back in the 1980’s when I lived in Germany. Intended as a teaching aid for my astrology students to help them “learn more about astrology and more about themselves,” it was published by Burk Verlag in 1986 under the title Lebensrad: Wheel of Life. During the game players took cards at random from a pile and answered the questions on them about themselves and their lives that I’d organised astrologically.

For a while I enjoyed travelling round with my publishers to mind-body-spirit fairs promoting the game at their stall by demonstrating it with groups of volunteering visitors. There I experienced clear cases of synchronicity. Strangers who tried out the game could be amazed and deeply moved by what the dice threw up for them. They would give me the feedback that the pathway of sentences they’d followed mirrored their present inner preoccupations, and the numbers on the dice had even suggested solutions for their dilemmas. This was mind-boggling! Fascinated by the phenomenon, I had to experiment with it further and went on to publish a second board game, this time for children, while beginning to envisage writing a synchronicity oracle in book form.

I searched for available literature on the subject and chanced upon David Peat’s book, Synchronicity: The Bridge between Matter and Mind, published in 1987. Peat was a big name in physics at the time, and his book provoked mainstream scientists by placing synchronicity in the context of quantum mechanics. It made a huge impression on me and was my initiation into the subject of cosmology, which has remained one of my passions to the present day. Experiencing a synchronicity, says Peat, pulls us up in our tracks because we’ve discovered a flaw in the fabric of reality that threatens our settled world view. That puts its importance in a nutshell – synchronicity is a major game-changer!

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Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology.

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