(31 December 1959 – 3 September 2024)
A gentle being who had touched the lives of many
by Mega
My beloved Tatina, for almost 30 years my partner and my rock, has decided to consciously leave her body today at the age of 64. She chose the help of Exit (a Swiss organization for assisted dying) due to her advanced and aggressive colon cancer. In her last moments she was surrounded by a few intimate friends, including me, at her home in Basel.
I met Tatina in the mid 90’s at the Osho International Commune in Pune where she was an Astrologer in the Mystery School. She was a student of Osho, but also of Tenga Rinpoche, and was the personal secretary to the Bhutanese Lama Tsechu Rinpoche and to her beloved Lama Kalsang in Kathmandu.
In Nepal she studied Buddhism and Himalayan magic and worked with Buddhist Sherpa nuns. Tatina hung out in the Himalayas with rainmakers, magicians, Ladhaki shamans and indigenous healers. She had also studied NLP and hypnosis, over many years with Richard Bandler, and swam with dolphins in Hawaii.
Amsterdam was her favorite city. Her great love were animals, and in the last few years she adopted and trained abused dogs.
She taught German and English to hundreds of people – from immigrants to expats, from prostitutes to nuns. Tatina loved the good life, fashion, poetry, parties and art.
She was not afraid of death and did not believe in fighting cancer, but rather in embracing what is and accepting it.
She was a kind and gentle being who had touched the lives of many. Her life was a wild ride.
Thank you, Tatina, for sharing your life with me. It was a magical journey, so full of amazing adventures, travels, laughter, love, meditation and deep silence!
I am so grateful, and I love you forever and ever,
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Your farewell has touched me just as much as the friendly, soft friendship that has bound us together.
When Tatina and Mega moved from India back to Europe, they lived in my apartment in Zurich for 1 or 2 months. I will never forget their daily phone calls to their cats who were temporarily staying with their friends in Munich. It was so sweet and a bit crazy too – it was touching to feel her deep connection to the animal world.
Tatina, you are leaving a magical glimpse in my life and a lot of joy. I say namaste to you and may you have a soft, magical transition into the sky beyond the stars.
Love you forever,
Amrit Vismaya
Lovely Tatina, you were or rather are, a lover of fun. I can think of no higher compliment – either to a person, or from a person, to life.
I so enjoyed this wild lightness in the short time I spent with you and Mega in Basel.
I wish you the best flight ever, as you take wing above us all and fly back into the heart of everything and nothing.
Beloved Tatina, my soul sister,
Ever since we met, your bright light has touched my soul, transcending distance and time, always connecting us no matter where we are.
Now, as you soar beyond this world, may your spirit find peace and freedom.
Fly high, dearest one.
Om Mani Peme Hung
As you transcend this realm, may you pass through the gates of all maya reaching the boundless wisdom of enlightenment and beyond.
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha
Until we meet again, beyond form, space and time…
In love and gratitude,
Ma Deva Tarika, Amsterdam
Beloved Tatina,
Always bright and beautiful, serious with a a sense of humor and mischief. That’s you.
It is still so fresh in my mind that when Deepak and I first got together, you offered your apartment in Pune for us to stay. Then you and Mega got to Pune. Wow, what a beauty you were!
We had a good time with you both, hanging out around, looking at some people’s Astrology charts, talking about stories, chit-chatting… Enjoying being together.
I believe that your soul has already gone through the bardo, been picked up and received back to your soul family. Right now you are with them up there.
Wish you enjoy your new life journey ahead!
I didn’t know Tatina, only from seeing her around really, and that she was Mega’s partner for all those years.
I bow down to her decision to leave the suffering of the body. That which is eternal in our Being we understand is immortal albeit a mystery.
My heart goes out to dear Mega who I know very well from the 70s onwards in our time as fellow Osho devotees.
Sending you much love, dearest friend, from many moons ago with memories of wonderful motorcycle trips as well as other meetings.
Gabriele (Ma Prem Gatha)
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