In darshan Osho gives two personal meditations to a disciple
[A sannyasin is leaving. Osho checks her energy.]
Just continue to meditate…. And everything is going well, but you have a certain fear there in the stomach which does not allow you to go deeper. You have to go into the fear.
Alone, back home, it will be easy. Just close the room, sit this way (she is sitting cross-legged). If it is not too cold and you can sit naked it will be better, or just wearing as loose clothes as possible, but being naked will be very good. Put your hands below the navel – two inches below the navel – press there, and just by pressing it, great fear will arise and your breathing will start becoming chaotic, so allow it and go into it. You may start feeling a great trembling – no need to resist, cooperate with it. You may feel like rolling on the ground, roll. It may become a process of twenty-five to forty-five minutes, but it will be tremendously beneficial. It may take at least two months to be complete but it will be a Primal, and you will reach to a very deep space within yourself. So this – one thing….
And the second thing: before you go to sleep do this. Just lying down on the bed with closed eyes, imagine a blackboard, as black as you can imagine. Then visualise on the blackboard, the figure three, three times. First visualise it, wipe it out; again visualise it, wipe it out; again visualise it, wipe it out. Then visualise the figure two, three times; then visualise the figure one, three times; then visualise the figure zero, three times, and by the time you reach to the third zero, you will feel a great silence unlike you have ever felt before – and that silence will increase as your Primal increases.
The day the Primal is complete, you will fall into absolute silence… as if the whole existence has suddenly disappeared, nothing is. That will be a great glimpse. And that is possible now, but first this Primal – so start both together.
The Primal you can do somewhere in the day. It will be good if you do it on an empty stomach; or if you have eaten, then after two, three hours, mm? otherwise vomiting can happen, because you will be pressing the hara centre… just in the beginning. When you feel fear, just press for two minutes and then leave it. Then thing will start happening. Once they start happening you need not worry about pressing it; just the pressure will act as a trigger. In the beginning sit silently and allow, and when you feel the fear coming, press for one or two minutes and then things will start happening. You will be shaken almost if you are a small tree in a storm…. So allow that.
Roll down on the ground. If breathing goes chaotic, let it go; if hands start moving…. Whatsoever happens: if you feel like dancing, dance. Allow whatsoever comes – you are not to manage it, you have to allow it. You are possessed.
If too much fear comes and you become afraid and start resisting, just take the locket in your hand and remember me and go into it. It is nothing to be afraid of – it is beneficial. Once that fear disappears you will really start growing.
This is to be done in the day. Don’t do it in the night, mm? because if you do it in the night it can create so much energy that sleep may become difficult. In the night do the simple process while you are going sleep – just lying down on the bed – but remember to complete it, because that process is so silence-giving…. It is a simple process and it will not take more than two, three minutes at the most, but you may fall asleep before you have completed it. Try to complete it, don’t go to sleep – the third zero has to come – and don’t go in a hurry, go slowly, lovingly.
Visualise the figure, see the figure well, then wipe it out, again visualise… so nine times; one, two, three, but start from three, mm? then two. In the same way there are some layers inside, and by the time you come to the zero, you touch a zero level in you. By the third zero you are almost on the verge of the sleep, of a great sleep and a great silence… then you can go to sleep.
These two things… and come back whenever you can. Good!
Osho, This Is It, Ch 5
Note by Osho News: Although this meditation has been given to a person in particular, if one gets inspired, it could also be done by someone else.
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