“But only a man of deep surrender knows that god is our protector,” says Osho.
The unconscious mind contains all the memories of one’s past; the collective unconscious has memories of one’s past lives…
A hot debate has gripped India, after Satyapal Singh, India’s minister for higher education, emphatically stated that Darwin’s theory of evolution is wrong. Published in The Guardian, on January 23, 2018.
Osho answers a question about why his disciples are vegetarians and also speaks about the life of peacocks and deer in Rajneeshpuram.
In the ninth part of a series of 10, Osho answers a question with regard to “the fundamental difference between the language of expression of the man of the fourth plane and the scientist.”
“I do not believe in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Once in a while I mention him, but that is simply a kind of joke and nothing else; I don’t believe in the theory of evolution,” states Osho.
Beloved Osho,
The longing for a better life, for a utopia, has been constantly in man’s mind since he became aware of his consciousness. On the other hand he became more and more afraid of all his irrational powers. Can you please comment?