Divakar (Marc Itzler) writes, “Society has become more sensitive and more discerning. We now ask more of ourselves. We demand a higher standard of self-awareness, of values, of behaviour.”
Divakar, confronted with the unexpected situation of running a three-week Mystic Rose by himself for the first time, writes: “It is in adversity that we grow and this last month has shown that in no uncertain terms.”
Divakar reflects on ecology and climate change, and asks: “This beautiful planet is changing. The climate is changing. What does the future hold for humanity?”
Divakar reflects on finding our own inner wisdom. A way to navigate a path to truth, through an ocean of opinions, beliefs, and information overload.
For men, vulnerability is not something to be confronted and expressed directly in the same way as it is for women, writes Divakar (Marc Itzler).
Divakar (Mark Itzler) uses the metaphor of stage and auditorium to clarify why we hesitate not to follow the script (what is expected of us) and the difficulties we get into, once we have left the stage but need to go back to be part of society.
Marc Itzler talks about repression of emotions, citing Janov who says; “Tears have the power to transform our physiology, change our personality and re-fire the evolutionary engine.”
Marc Itzler’s insight: “Laughter is intelligence, the ultimate expression of rebellion! A rebellion against guilt, against shame and self-doubt. A rebellion against fear itself.”