Trinity – the Meditative Therapy for the 21st Century

Healing & Meditation

Marc Itzler (Divakar) writes about the 9-day format of the Mystic Rose process.

trinity: laughter, tears, silence

In 1989, Osho asked my mother, Leela, to develop and expand his newly devised and unique set of methods that he called Meditative Therapies: Born Again, No Mind and the main process, Mystic Rose. They were Osho’s last and most profound offerings to humanity where he brought together Western therapy and Eastern mysticism.

Designed to work as ‘a pure energy process’, these Meditative Therapies bypass the mind, allowing us to reach into our deepest hidden realms and create a direct connection to our subconscious world.

Over these last 28 years I have watched Leela carry the Mystic Rose to many thousands of participants all over the world. During this time, I have been fortunate that she shared with me in great detail and depth the experiences and insights that she had gained during her long journey with the Mystic Rose.

In all, Leela facilitated around 100 retreats, while also creating and running trainings for all other Meditative Therapies. Her sheer love of Osho and this work have shone undimmed for nearly three decades, bringing deep and profound transformation to thousands of people. However, the endless travel and energy required to facilitate the process for the countless participants has taken its toll and last year Leela ran her last Mystic Rose on the beautiful island of Corfu, Greece. She is now enjoying some down-time before moving on to the next phase of her work.

I first experienced the Mystic Rose six years ago in Dharamsala, India. It was a life-changing experience for me. While there, I developed a clarity that I wanted to work with people. So in 2011, Leela invited me to train and become a facilitator of the Mystic Rose and since then I have been immersed in both the process and the trainings, travelling and supporting her in retreats around the world, learning and absorbing the subtle art of creating and holding space for people to go in and grow.

As it became clear that Leela was ready to stop running the process, I was eager to take on and continue the work but I soon recognized that the Mystic Rose was conceived and designed in a time and environment where it was easy for participants (who were visiting Pune or other communes for extended periods) to devote twenty-one days to the process.

When I looked into running the Mystic Rose today, out in the ‘real world’, it seemed almost impossible to expect people to leave their lives, their families and jobs for what ends up being nearly a month, without even considering the cost of being on a retreat for that long. It was proving financially prohibitive for many people.

It was then that Leela and I began discussing possible ways to make the process more accessible and affordable. I suggested trying a nine-day format comprising three days of each phase instead of the usual seven, both as a way for people to be introduced to the Mystic Rose and also as a refresher for those who love to do this work but are unable to find sufficient time or funds to participate in the full programme. So it was agreed that I would try an experimental retreat using exactly the same methods and guidelines set out by Osho but in this new, shorter format.

Leela was absolutely insistent that Mystic Rose as a process should always be run exactly according to Osho’s instruction and with a duration of twenty-one days, so she asked that the new shorter format be given a different name in order to preserve the purity of Osho’s original concept.

As the new format is still three hours per day and divided into three days of each of the three phases, I decided to call it ‘The Trinity Process’. I trialled it last year on retreat in Malta with 14 brave and committed participants. It worked beautifully and many people experienced powerful, deep release and had profound breakthroughs. Leela and I concluded it was a success.

Trinity logo‘The Trinity Process’ is now recognized as the nine-day version of Mystic Rose and all those who have been trained by Leela to run it are now able to facilitate this short version under the Trinity name. I hope that this more accessible and affordable retreat will re-ignite the growth of Meditative Therapies around the world and bring more and more of Osho’s work and wisdom to us all.

Marc Itzler DivakarMarc Itzler (Divakar)
For more information and upcoming Trinity Retreats:
More articles by the same author on Osho News

Osho’s Mystic Rose Meditation – a letter from Leela about the use of the name Osho Mystic Rose for the group process she developed

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