This month’s planet transits discussed by Marga; “It is a good time to learn the art of wu-wei, effortless action, or for those who aim really high, action without action!”
“My definition of ‘being holy’ is nothing but to be whole – capacity to come into the world and yet remain above it, beyond it; capacity to use the mind but yet remain centered in your being.”
Osho says, “…words can’t convey that which I am and I have to go on trying to do something which is not possible.”
In answer to the question, What is this ego? Osho tells an ancient story. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
The practitioners of Osho’s meditations have been experimenting with these methods in all sorts of life situations, and places, writes Keerti in the Deccan Chronicle on July 4, 2017.