“Perhaps I am the only one in the world who is in absolute support of mechanical brains taking over the work of human intelligence,” states Osho.
By nature man is destined to live a conscious life and not become replicas of robots, writes Pratiksha Apurv in The Speaking Tree. Published on 22 September, 2019.
Along the lines of ‘you ain’t seen nothin’ yet’, the Android Kannon Mindar was observed preaching to monks of the Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto on February 23, 2019.
Freedom once meant something significant for mankind, writes Sir Julian Rose. Published on SOTT on November 5, 2018.
Small drones that neatly fit in the palm of a hand can be unleashed at the push of a button and will unfailingly find their target – humans. They are killer robots, writes Bhagawati
Beloved Osho,
In the last few weeks you have been talking a lot about the world running fast towards a dead end, without showing any more hope that things will ever change.
Tom Bennet created a video to show that war is beyond human understanding. The timeline is WWI to ISIS; however, because of the 2 minute time-limit, not every single war is included.
Bodhisagar visited a conference on ‘legged robotics’ at ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
You may be the last generation which has the possibility to rebel. And if you don’t rebel, there may be no more chances: humanity can be reduced to a robotlike existence. So rebel while there is still time! Osho, The Book of Wisdom, Ch 4, Q 1