Beauty and Longevity

Healing & Meditation

After last month’s talk on health, Sarita continues on the subject of beauty and longevity

Body Tune Up

Just as we take our car to the garage for a regular tune up, it is important to do regular detox of organs, blood and lymph. Part of any detox regime will also include yoga or some other form of exercise, as well as massage. As well as a once yearly detox, we need to pay attention throughout the year to support maximum health by doing regular exercise which helps to move lymph, which is the body’s way of taking out the garbage. I do the five Tibetans, which takes about 20 minutes each morning, and I also do another series of exercises which is called Somato Therapy. This keeps my body toned and humming with delight. (You can buy a book on the Five Tibetans.)



The importance of meditation for health, longevity and beauty cannot be over-emphasized. One of the major causes of ill health is stress. When we meditate, stress diminishes and we discover inner sources of bliss and well being. This fact has been well documented in recent studies. If you have not yet discovered the joy of meditation, give yourself the gift of a meditation retreat. Vipassana, Satori, Zen Meditation and Who Is In? are all good ways to dive deeply into the experience. The book, ‘Freedom Is‘ by Brandon Bays is a wonderful way to understand why meditation is good for you. Also, Osho’s book, ‘From Medication to Meditation‘.


There is an old saying, “Beauty shines from within.” This is definitely true. Your attitude to life plays a very important role in how you appear to yourself and others. In order to nurture and maintain beauty, the number one rule is, Love yourself! The reason why Buddha, Jesus, Osho or Meera appear magnetically attractive is because they are so much in love with their own essence. If you have inner emotional wounding which prevents you from loving yourself, get off your ass and go for personal healing, active and cathartic meditation, and general therapy and bodywork for unwinding emotional stagnation. The ways I have unwound my past suffering was through Osho’s Dynamic Meditation, Mystic Rose, Prati Prasav (to unwind past lives) Colour Light Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Ito Thermie, Tachyon, Tantra and Meditation. I still use all of these methods whenever I feel the need to do inner healing or cleansing.

In addition to this, I go to a beauty therapist once every six weeks for a facial. It is a kind of religion for me. I may travel the earth almost non-stop, teaching groups, but I faithfully return to Siobhan in Kings Langley each six weeks to lay down for an hour and a half of heaven. She uses only natural organic products. She will travel if you gather several friends who want to experience her divine beauty treatments or learn about cultivating beauty.

While we are on the subject, take a look at your beauty products, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, body lotion and creams, and check out the list of ingredients. If it has sodium laural sulphate in it, throw it out. If it has petroleum derivatives, throw it out. If it has synthetic perfume, throw it out. Do yourself a very big favour and buy only organic products perfumed with lovely essential oils. There are many on the market, and it just takes a look in your local health food shop, or browsing on the internet to find these products. I even found amazing hair colour with zero toxic ingredients. Logona is the brand, using such things as, beet juice, coffee, tea, henna, etc. Simply Divine Botanicals is another very pure brand and Dr. Haushka is wonderful, to name just a few.


My mother is 94 and still going strong. She has been a vegetarian for the past 40 years. She has outlived 3 husbands, all of whom ate junk food. She told me, “When I have an ache or pain, I just put on some music and dance for 20 minutes and all pain vanishes.” She is a great lover of daily walks in nature, and has a very naughty sense of humour. She also avoids doctors unless they are offering holistic healing, whenever possible. She is vibrant and very interested in life and love. She is my hero. I watched her transforming before my eyes when she reached menopause. Something within her suddenly came alive, with the decision to follow her own drummer and live life to the fullest, which she is still doing.

A study was done to find out what long lived people have in common. There are a few interesting things that stand out:

  • They mistrust doctors, preferring to do their own research about their body and get second and third opinions before taking a course of action.
  • They have a great sense of humour.
  • They are quite naughty, and playful in their attitude to life.
  • They are rebels, preferring to follow their own inner inspiration rather than being sheep following the flock.
  • They have a deeply intuitive sense about life, listening to their inner wisdom and trusting it.
  • They like to exercise and be in nature.
  • They are always interested in learning new things.

Another 20 year study was done on the longest lived people in the world, in order to find out their secrets. The details of this fascinating study are in a book entitled, ‘The Okinawa Way, How to increase your health and longevity dramatically‘ by Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox and Makoto Suzuki.

My own personal opinion is that Tantra is a master key for longevity. Sexual energy is our basic life force. If we can continue to cultivate and enjoy the myriad ways of enjoying sexual energy, whether that be sexual union or unfolding the power of Kundalini as it moves into superconsciousness states, we have entered the gateway of eternal life.

In addition to this, I need to add a word or two about the precious gift which has been in my life for the past 18 years, and that is Tachyon. The founder of Tachyon Technologies, David Wagner, has made a breakthrough discovery which merges science and spirituality. With the support of Tachyon, I am able to remain in a continuously youthful state, in spite of my busy travelling schedule. His brand new development, an amazing multi faceted Tachyonized crystal called the ‘Star Gate‘, is truly miraculous. With this tool, the matrix of the soul is returned to its original pristine state as all previous wounding evaporates back to source. Just in case some people reading this believe I am simply trying to ‘sell’ something, I just want you to know I make no profit from star gate sales. I am just so excited about it and wish to share it with people I love….. I have been using it with my large extended family over the Christmas holidays, and all are astounded at the results.

Tachyon Youthing and Meditation Products that I use on a regular basis: Sleep Pad, Ultra Cocoon, Sun Spots, Sleep Mask, Star Gate Crystal, Silica Disks and Gel, Tachyonized Water, Green Matrix food supplement, TLC Massage bars, Vortex Pendant, Face Cream, Ultra Freeze, Passion Dew, Shawls, Silk Blanket, Water charger or disk

Recommended Reading

Common Sense Health and Healing by Dr. Richard Schultz
Spiritual Nutrition by Gabriel Cousens M.D.
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD
The Okinawa Way; How to Improve Your Health and Longevity Dramatically By Bradley Willcox, M.D. / Craig Willcox, PhD and Makoto Suzuki, M.D.
Tachyon Energy, A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing by David Wagner and Gabriel Cousens M.D.
From Medication to Meditation by Osho


Article originally posted on Sarita’s personal blog:

Read Sarita’s article which we published last month: Optimum Health
Listen to Sarita’s mom, Devadasi, read her own poems: The Rishi Told Me
Read Sarita’s story how she travelled to India and met Osho: In Search of the Essence of Life

SaritaSarita met Osho in Mumbai in 1973 and shortly afterwards received sannyas. She spent the next 26 years in his communes where she worked cleaning Osho’s house, as a medium in energy darshan, in the PR department and as a holistic healer. Osho gave her the title ‘Mahasatvaa’ meaning ‘keeper of esoteric wisdom’. Since 1997 she has been teaching Tantra, holistic healing and meditation across the world. She lives in England and France.

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