Youthful and Healthy At Any Age


Bhagawati meets Grahi and writes about his approach to health. The secret is to grow youthful!

Every time Grahi visits Bali (a short 3 hour flight from Perth, Western Australia where he lives) we get together and have lively discussions about many topics and in particular about healthy living.

I met him for the first time shortly before he published his book Grow Youthful and was intrigued by his approach. About a decade previously he had set out questioning why some people are still vibrant with youthful looks in their seventies, while others seem spent and ill in their thirties. As he investigated different remedies, diets and lifestyles, he noticed that people with a different outlook on life to mainstream looked usually at least a decade younger than they were. They were playful and had fun, they did some exercise but not excessively, and they ate great food – food that he himself had shunned for years in the belief it might be harmful for him!

Grahi tried many different diets and health approaches over the years, including vegetarian, vegan, Ayurvedic, Taoist, raw food, macrobiotic, acid-alkaline, blood-type, Paleolithic, Mediterranean, traditional, and the diets published in numerous popular books. He interviewed hundreds of people about their personal experiences and assessed how they were ageing. He learned everything he could about nutrition, biochemistry, psychology, energy work, the mind-body links, consciousness research and different types of meditation. Furthermore he researched (and used on himself) Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates, breath work, Taoist exercises, many different meditations, various modes of bodywork, and heat and cold treatments.

He concluded that a lot of the health information published in the media is simply not true, but carefully crafted to serve the industries and associations that sponsor these very articles. He was dismayed to discover that so much of the information on the web, in popular books, and even in published research is just lies and twisting of the facts. The food-, pharmaceutical-, health products industries and associations of health professionals first and foremost serve their own financial interests.

As a result of questioning the status quo, Grahi ‘re’-discovered that many traditional household remedies, ingredients and old-fashioned, unprocessed foods are highly effective cures – much more effective than drugs and medications. He healed himself of several physical complaints he’d had for years, by using some of the healthy remedies detailed in his book and shows that such remedies really work. Most of them are cheap, natural, widely available, and cannot be patented; many have even been deliberately discredited.

Grahi said, “Many of the root causes of ageing and modern diseases are embarrassingly simple and people need an open mind to accept some of my suggestions; they are quite contrary to what we have been led to believe.

“What I have found and what I am sharing is a new approach to a healthy life, that makes your body want to be young, joyful! I have tried everything I write about and write from personal experience. I am also in contact with people who have tried these remedies themselves – sick people, naturopaths, doctors, herbalists, people who look 15 years younger than their age, people who are ageing fast, and people who are as passionate about youthing and health as I am.

“I have a gift in being able to sift through the mass of conflicting and misleading messages, jargon and confusion. What I say is just common sense. I find what really works, clearly and simply.”

Here a few examples for what you will find answers to:

  • Which simple, natural foods and remedies cure numerous diseases
  • Five little known ways you can speed your ageing – with your mind
  • Why sunlight is critical for good health, and how much is too much
  • Rejuvenate your skin
  • Improve your memory and mental clarity
  • Sail through menopause, without any drugs

Grahi is presently very much involved with his free weekly newsletter through which his audience has become ever larger. He says, “I’m still reading, researching and experimenting with myself and others every day, the topics and findings are limitless. The latest brew in my kitchen is water kefir, which I had dismissed for years because it is brewed in a sugar medium. A new web page has gone up and I feel it is a fantastic probiotic.”

His website has many interesting features, including the Ailments and Remedies section. Readers are encouraged to participate by adding their own experiences with natural remedies they know to work (or not work). The website also offers several tests – biological age, rate of ageing, Ayurvedic body type and BMI, that I found partially helpful in assessing my own body strengths and weaknesses.

In addition he published the ‘Grow Youthful Recipe Book’ with many essential basic recipes (check out our recipe section: Homemade Mayonnaise and Zucchini Cakes) and easy to follow instructions. It includes many traditional recipes some of which that can be prepared hours or days before you use them. They are slow foods, the opposite of fast-food.


GrahiJivan Grahi (David Niven Miller) was born and raised in Zimbabwe and lives nowadays in Perth, Western Australia; he is a regular swimmer who loves the wild shore of the Indian Ocean nearby. By profession an economist and author of several successful computer self-help books, he embarked several years ago on a successful quest on how to slow down the aging process., available in e-book and paperback.


Read our book review: Grow Youthful by Jivan Grahi
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