

She left her body early this morning, 9th October 2012.

Mangala in the evening sun
Mangala in Cologne
Mangala with Divy, Pachurya, Prageet and Nritya
Mangala photographed by Devesh
Mangala and Pankaja
Mangala with Dhiren and Nritya in London, Sept 2011
Mangala Rani Kiya
Veena and Mangala in Dunster
Panky Mangala Madhura
Madhura, Mangie and Panky
Mangala teaching to read tarot cards
Mangala teaching to read tarot cards
teaching Tarot Reading
Mangie and Meera
Mangala taking notes in darshan

Mangala was born in England, moved to New Zealand as a child and obtained a degree in psychology there. She spent several years as a successful magazine writer, before editing a progressive women’s magazine in South Africa. In 1975 she met Osho and the whole direction of her life changed. In the many years she spent in his presence she integrated the profound wisdom of his discourses on what he called ‘The Psychology of the Buddhas’ into her own experience through an extensive range of therapy groups and intensive meditation.

One of her first discoveries on the spiritual path was the use of tarot cards which she found to be a far more accurate and perceptive tool for delving into human consciousness than her earlier studies in psychology. She later added a number of other psychic tools but it is tarot, and shortly after numerology, that formed the foundation of her inquiries into her own mind and very soon, the minds of others.

For the past 30 years she has been a professional psychic and intuitive counsellor. She ran various workshops in many parts of the world teaching people how to become more conscious and to develop their own intuitive capacities.

In spring 2011 she was diagnosed with a rectal tumour, which later spread to the liver and the lungs. She had operations in India and later alternative treatments in Frankfurt, Germany. After a short visit to India recently where she closed off all her ties, and back in her German base in Cologne, she decided just last week to be hospitalised in England, on the Isle of Man where her brother and sister-in-law are living. This is where she left her body this morning.

Update Saturday, 13th October: Mangala’s body was cremated yesterday, Friday, 12th October, 2pm on the Idle of Man. Osho Centres like Uta in Cologne and Miasto in Italy will be celebrating and giving her a send-off at 7pm today.

Update 12th December 2012: We hear from Ayako Watanabe that Mangala’s numerology book was published in Japan and so became her last work in Japan. On 9th December her death celebration was held together with a commemorative ceremony of this publication.

Read Mangala’s story how she took sannyas: I Had Expected Him To Seduce Me


You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote to be published on Osho News using our contact form (pls add ‘Mangala’ in the subject field)…

You can also leave a message on her Facebook page:

Beloved, woke up early in bed with the freezing Indian 4-leggeds of mine, whom you also knew and loved… You were on your departure date and only yesterday I opened my computer after days here in Sweden. Many times I had you in thoughts Mangala and so I read the latest update from Savita. Knowing you were so close to let go also when we met a month ago in Pune. Expecting to hear this now – Now. Feel you close in heart and as in the early morning my thoughts went to you, lying here in bed waiting for dawn. You were leaving then, beloved friend of many shades, I wish your Journey be filled with the Light and Peace of the Still Great Heart. Farewell dear, farewell and shukriya forever for all shared ♥,

It has been so joyful having traveled with you during this life time and I always feel you dearly in my heart. All my love for the next step in this, our amazing journey,

Oh beloved Mangie, it’s finally happened where this body just didn’t make it anymore as it will be the case for all of us still walking this earth. In my heart I feel strongly that you are in a great ‘place’. My love for you, my memory about you will stay deeply rooted, dearest friend from so many moons ago (to be precise, from 1975 when we met at that bus stop in Himachal Pradesh – remember? – traveling up to a Vipassana meditation retreat with Christoper Titmuss, then a Thai monk called Luong Pee, in Dalhousie). From there we both (at different times) went to Poona and met our Master Osho. And what a journey it’s been from then on! Wow! And now you have crossed into another realm, so unknown, so mysterious…. You are with us precious one, always. With all my love,
Gabriele (German Gatha)

It is so many years that I did a Mystic Rose in Pune with Mangala but even now, when I close my eyes, I can see her beautiful laughter that had touched me so much!

eloved Mangala and fellow traveller, have a beautiful journey to the other shore. I just heard about your leaving yesterday here in Brasil. We sang for you in our White Robe celebration yesterday. It was such a gift to have known you and shared many beautiful moments with you. I will never forget the parties in your house in Poona. Love is a fire………

Beloved Mangie, you were one of the great sannyasin characters and were loved and appreciated by so many friends. You were also an inspiration to thousands of people attending your Numerology and Tarot workshops in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. I remember laughing with delight at your tales of how, during your groups, you sneaked Osho in ‘the back door’ via meditation and stories, thus sending off so many on their own journeys of self exploration.

Your courage during this last year of illnes touched me so much. I will miss you but will always be inspired by you. As you lay dying I searched for some Osho words and found these from ‘The Osho Upanishad’:

I have heard from the ancients that those who know how to live automatically come to know how to die. Their death is a thing of beauty, because they only die outwardly; inwardly the life journey continues.

A conscious life is rewarded by existence with a conscious death. And to die consciously is to know the ultimate orgasmic experience of life, and to know simultaneously that nothing dies, only forms change. You are moving into a new house – and of course a better house, on a higher level of consciousness. You use the opportunity to grow.

Die with a joke on your face – the smile, the thankfulness, the gratitude for all that life has given to you.

And this I say to you: death is fiction. There is no death because nothing dies, only things change. And if you are aware, you can make them change for the better.”

Your moving on reminds me to live more consciously. I thank you with much love,

Beloved Mangala and fellow traveller, have a beautiful journey to the other shore. I just heard about your leaving yesterday here in Brasil. We sang for you in our White Robe celebration yesterday. It was such a gift to have known you and shared many beautiful moments with you. I will never forget the parties in your house in Poona…. Love is a fire………

Hey Mangala, how could I be so late to the party? You’re not so far away are you? Let me just say how much I love you. As long as I remember, I will remember you. You are truly a sweetheart. See you soon. xxx

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