Everything is Energy

From the Web

Waking Times published this article by Brandon West on July 17, 2014

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Energy“Now I realize that it isn’t the miracle
that creates the believer.
Instead, we are all believers.
We believe that the illusion
of the material world is completely real.
That belief is our only prison.
It prevents us from making the journey into the unknown.”
Deepak Chopra

Solid matter as we conventionally understand it does not exist in the universe. For all particles are merely vibrations of energy. Even the atoms that form objects and substances that we call solid are actually made up of 99.99999% space (the vacuum/the field/the space-time manifold – it’s all the same thing). And even that space that we conventionally understand as being empty actually has an infinite energy density, as we have now seen in vacuum energy.

Another way to understand the vacuum’s infinite energetic density is to observe how all things radiate energy into the field.

Even our modern technology relies on the fact that we transmit waves of energy at different frequencies into the field so that we can channel them into our devices to receive the information that we projected encoded into the structure of energetic waveforms.

In that sense our technology is learning to tap into the energetic-informational structure of the universe already, we just have not yet fully comprehended that there is information encoded within the very structure of the universe that we could tap into without the necessity of us introducing our own man-made frequencies.

All information, all knowledge, all time and space is encoded within the energetic structure of the universe. Where do you think our thoughts come from? And our emotions? As I introduced in the nature of mind and our holographic brain all recent research is conclusively proving that our brain is just a receiver, and that it is not the source of intelligence, nor does it cause thoughts, nor are our memories storied within the biotechnology of our brains!

Just as we are now designing high-tech transmitters and receivers of energy, the universe already designed much more powerful and complex living technologies. Such as our DNA whose primary function is to receive, transmit, and read the energy of the field directly as we explored in the Human Energy Field and DNA. It is likely that our DNA doesn’t actually store any information within itself, but stores it directly within the vacuum structure where it has full access to it for as long as we are living.

What other information can we extract out of the field? Moreover, what are the limitations of what we can access out of the field? I believe there are none.

The Galactic Internet

In the same fashion that our technology is learning to tap into the energetic informational structures that we have created such as the Internet, we are also designed to be connected to the universal informational network of energy which I like to call the Galactic Internet.

Everything is energy, including you. All that you are is energy, and when you start to perceive yourself in this fashion, especially through meditation and simple contemplation of yourself as a being untouched by space and time, and unrestricted by an apparently physical body, the barriers within you will begin to dissipate.

Our brains are the receivers of thought, ideas, and knowledge, and universal consciousness – the unified field – is the source of knowledge in the universe. The quality of information and knowledge that we tap into from this universal source is determined by the habitual frequency of our thoughts and emotions.

We receive energy (thoughts and emotions) from the universe at the level which we are conditioned to receive from. In other words, at the level we are perceptually tuned to receive. If we habitually live in a negative mental world where you perceive suffering, stress, scarcity and the like, you are only available for those same energies from the universe. But if we start to cultivate love, kindness, and inspiration, then we tap into much higher levels of universal consciousness and thus ‘download’ information directly from the field in ways we never thought possible.

Insight, creativity, wisdom, knowledge of all things – this is what we tap into, and this is the source of all great works of art, or achievements of human thought.

You are a vibrational being. The frequency that you radiate with your emotions and thoughts is matched by the universe. If you have ever used tuning forks to tune an instrument, reality works the same way. If you strike a tuning fork, all other tuning forks of the same or coherent frequency in the immediate vicinity will respond by resonating with the original one that was struck.

This is how we create our lives. We are the tuning forks and the universe resonates with whatever vibration we are giving off. It does not matter if it is positive or negative, the universe will resonate. Everything is encoded holographically within the field, and the field responds to our vibration. Whatever frequency we radiate, that is what will manifest from the field of all-possibility. It is entirely up to us.

The state of the world therefore is the result of the human collective consciousness co-creating reality. The current state of the world is a direct representation of the average vibration that humanity is operating from.

War, famine, scarcity, violence, hatred, frustration and conflict are all found in the world because they are found within the internal state of humanity.

Yet amidst all the conflict we are also witnessing something beautiful emerge. We are witnessing growth, love, kindness, expansion, forgiveness, and change; all originating in a desire arising from the depths of us all to return to our natural state so that we may move towards a future where all life can prosper. This is the energetic awakening that is occurring on the planet today.

Understanding universal principles is extremely important and has the potential to be a major advantage for the growth and personal mastery of each and every one of us. Yet alone that is not enough.

Understanding the universe will not bring about change all by itself. It will allow us to see and comprehend the true nature of reality and of ourselves, but that alone will not change the world. The transformation truly begins when we start to understand the principles of the universe, and then apply those principles to our life.

By taking responsibility for our vibration (thoughts and emotions) and then taking it upon ourselves to tune ourselves to a higher frequency by cultivating internal silence and allowing the higher energies of joy, inspiration, love, and kindness to influence our actions, behaviors, and choices, then we shall change the world.

Everything is energy, and by creating those energetic states within us we begin to resonate with those same energies inherent within the structure of the vacuum, and we will individually and collectively manifest a life and a world that is coherent with those higher energies. A world of peace, of love, of prosperity, freedom, and abundance for all.

Everything is energy, and thus we must focus solely on the quality of our energy. Nothing else is relevant. Feel love and abundance, and you will attract love and abundance. Spend your days doing what you are enthusiastic and passionate about, and you will manifest a life that allows you to pursue your enthusiasm and passions, whatever they may be.

All of this contributes directly to changing the world and due to the higher energetic nature of vibrations such as love, joy, and compassion, we need a considerably smaller concentration of these energies to raise the vibration of the planet, compared to the amount of negative energy it takes to hold the world down.

This is why humanity cannot be restrained, and cannot be limited. For it is in our very nature to grow, to love, to create, and to expand. Therefore as soon as we begin to understand that everything is energy, and understand that our true nature is energy and that our energy is the most important aspect of our being, we will naturally realize that we ultimately have infinite power and potential at our disposal.

Then there is no force in the universe that can hold us back.

Everything is energy.

You are energy.

Change your energy and you will change your life, and the world.

Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.

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