Mark the date: 10th May 2016. Dhyan Prasada (Amelia Campbell) writes:
The Osho Festival is a celebration of laughter, bliss, sharing, music and community. I have gathered some very beautiful, inspirational and dynamic people; all have their stories to share of how Osho touched their lives. Ravi (Justin Freeman) is joining us along with Adrian Freedman; together they form the band Two Rivers. They will be sharing their exquisite music. We are also welcoming Paul Wheeler who attended my recent Music and Film Festival. Paul has a wonderful voice, very reminiscent of Miten’s early years. There will also be meditations and singing events.
The idea for this Osho Festival came to me last year whilst I was on holiday in Arillas, Corfu. This is also where I first heard Paul sing. Whilst walking back to my apartment one evening in Arillas, Corfu, he was giving a concert in the building next to us and I vowed to connect with him and share his music more widely.
I often get inspired when I am there. It became so clear to me that music, particularly mantra is one of the most powerful ways to uplift, share, create community and heal ourselves. I have seen a growing trend within my own events to share more music. The seed was planted within me and now it feels like the right time.
The Festival is taking place on Tuesday the 10th of May 2016 at 12pm until 4.30pm at The Yoga Tree Studio, Glebe Farm CW12 4RQ in the beautiful village of Astbury near Congleton, in Cheshire. Glebe Farm is a family-run community space with a lovely café, just off the A34 on the way to Congleton. You can get to the Festival by taking junction 15 off the M6 and taking the A500 to Stoke and then A34 towards Congleton. Food and drinks will be provided by the café nearby, so I would encourage you all to have an early lunch there or bring a snack and drink with you.
Book here: – –
Prasada (aka Amelia Campbell) was born in Staffordshire, UK in 1975 and took sannyas aged 7 in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon. In 2012 she completed a foundation degree in Complementary Therapies. She now uses her vast array of creative skills, life experience and insightful understanding to help others to heal themselves and connect to their true nature through a myriad of ways including: groups, retreats, readings and one to one sessions.
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