Karunesh writes that the real meaning of darshan is the transmission of samadhi through the grace of a master.
In the early 70s I was struck by the lightning of soul inquiry that set free within myself an all-consuming longing to enter upon the journey that I hoped would lead me close to the Face of God, or at least into close proximity. I entered the stream of the ancient yogis and mystics.
I started a life of intense discipline and deep practices of meditation, which soon became the center of my life. In 1975 I went to the Himalayas to practice even more and deeper. In 1976 I had a dream that catapulted me straight into the school of Osho, and I lived in Pune for 5 years until 1981. During that time I meditated an average of 5 hours daily and entered innumerable intensives and retreats, where working on oneself took place full-time, 10-12 hours a day.
The result of this contact with a man whom I recognized as a living Buddha was a long string of explosions of consciousness, of samadhi experiences, that changed me forever. There were many darshans with Osho that expanded my consciousness in ways hard to put into words. Darshan is a Sanskrit word that means, “being in the presence of the Divine.”
However, this term has various implications that need to be understood. The word has outer, inner and secret meaning. For example, one can be in the outer, physical presence of the Divine (such as being with a living Buddha) and feel nothing, because of lack of sensitivity and preparedness. We feel nothing and therefore miss completely one of the most amazing gifts the Universe could present us.
But if we are in the outer presence of a living Buddha and also feel the Divine Presence due to our sensitivity, then we feel the Divine within us. Now we have inner darshan. A transmission is taking place. That’s what matters – the transmission.
Once a relationship with a living Buddha has been established, these transmissions can continue beyond death.
A real darshan is inner and secret and therefore can take place in utterly unusual circumstances. Real darshan is the transmission of samadhi through the grace of a master, someone whose consciousness is as far away from you as a satellite from earth (yet at the same time is you), but who can beam a massive divine laser ray into you to explode your consciousness. Osho has done exactly that in my life innumerable times.
Osho died in 1990 and here is the fantastic news: He continues to beam his awareness-bestowing rays of light into those who have opened themselves and created receptivity by virtue of continuing to work upon themselves. He has not left the planet, merely his body.
In one of the transmissions I have experienced with him in recent times I saw him stand before me. He sent tremendous beams of light into me that caused huge explosions of light and consciousness within my being. Indescribable. However, he was not alone. I saw two or three other beings next to him, assisting him in the process of transmission.
Long after his body is dead and gone – he continues to shower, bless and be available to those who long to awaken.
It is as he said one day during a lecture: “No Buddha Ever Dies.”
And that’s the great news for today.
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Anand Karunesh (Andreas Mamet) took sannyas from Osho in his ashram in Poona. In 1981 he started giving workshops in Japan, USA and Germany. He moved to the US in 1982 and lived for over 20 years in Mount Shasta, CA. After shuttling between Paris and California for a few years, he made Paris his base in 2009. He teaches meditation and has a weekly radio show ‘Follow your joy’. www.andreasmamet.com – youtube.com – More articles by the same author on Osho News
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