Samudaya’s sannyas darshan. “Sat means being, samudaya means arising. Up to now you have lived as a becoming, as a desire: doing this, doing that, trying for this, trying for that. You have never given yourself any rest in being.”
In a letter before his darshan tonight, David told Osho something of his background. Forty-eight years old, he is Russian, and during the war lost most of his family and survived five concentration camps. He has been living in the States for the past five years and is an artist and a teacher. He’d added in his letter that he was waiting eagerly for Osho to kill, him. Tonight, the execution.
This will be your new name: Swami Sat Samudaya.
Sat means being, samudaya means arising. Up to now you have lived as a becoming, as a desire: doing this, doing that, trying for this, trying for that. You have never given yourself any rest in being. Becoming is a struggle, becoming is future: some day it will happen and then everything will be okay. It never happens. Becoming drives people crazy. But everybody lives in that; becoming is the world, what in the East we call samsara, the world. And the world is too much with us and we are too much in the world. From the very childhood everybody drives us crazy to become this, to become that – a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, a millionaire, whatever, but go on becoming. The end is somewhere in the future. It never comes; death always comes before it.
Being is herenow, it is what you are right now, and if the being is allowed, joy explodes: one simply bursts into many many flowers. Becoming is heavy and goes on killing the being. One need not be anybody else other than whom one is; one is perfectly good as one is. When this message strikes deep into the heart, when one simply relaxes and drops all nonsense of becoming anything, suddenly one is a child again, collecting seashells on the beach or running after butterflies or resting under a tree. Life is again innocent, life is again a benediction.
That is the meaning of sat: being. You are already that which you always wanted to become, and you could not see it because you were so interested in becoming. You could not see what is already the case. And samudaya means arising.
Sannyas is a sunrise; hence the colour orange — it is the colour of the rising sun. And the sun is the being. When one starts allowing the being to arise out of the clouds of becoming, one has attained. That is what Jesus means by Kingdom of God, that’s why he insists that it is within you.
Osho, Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast, Ch 22 – 22 February 1978
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