Leela (aka Waduda)


…left her body on 30th September 2017.

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Ma Prem Leela Lovegarden (formerly Deva Waduda) had been a disciple of Osho since 1977. She was co-director of the Osho School of Mysticism in Pune and of the Osho Institute of Esoteric Science in Sedona, Arizona, USA. With over 20 years experience as a therapist and meditator, she created the Osho tarots and invented the method of experiential astrology. She is co-author, together with Prasad, of the book The Alchemy of Transformation and of The life you love (ebook), together with Alvina and Prasad (translated into Italian, La vita che vuoi: Le leggi interiori dell’attrazione (Pb).

Text based on the bio on her website – photo credit Osho Miasto, Komala, Bhagawati – alert thanks to Mega – more info thanks to Marga, Premo, Osho Miasto, Maneesha

Yesterday, Sunday afternoon 1st October, Osho Miasto organised a celebration for her, where friends came together to meditate.

A tribute by Subhuti:
My wonderfully weird psychic moment with Leela (Waduda)

A tribute from the Miasto community:

For thirty years Leela has been coming to Miasto, together with Prasad and Alvina, in spring to lead groups and trainings (like Healing Esoteric Bodies, Essential Life Consulting, The Inner Laws of Attraction, Essence of You, Women Liberation, Law of Synchronicity).

During her stay at Miasto she also had a deep relationship with every single resident individually, always available to listen, and ready to give precious and loving advice. The generosity with which he shared her experience was immeasurable. Leela could see and teach us to accept things as they were, not with resignation but with gratitude.

Leela was a graduate of emotions! She could read every emotion we felt, even seeing hidden ones that were perhaps not even evident to us. She could explain things in a clear and simple way: her adult audience became a first elementary class. She could reach the hearts, even the most forgotten. She had endless patience and did not let go until she was certain that her words had really reached us.

When she was in Miasto, Leela loved to take care of our garden, especially the flowers at our Kabir compound. Leela knew how to speak to flowers.

This year in May, she wanted to come with us to choose and buy the flowers. A minute after we had entered the nursery, with her overwhelming enthusiasm, even the worker who was in the field turned to look at her. She said to us, “Come! Run! Look at how beautiful these pink flowers are … and this yellow one? It has just asked me to be put at Kabir.” A second later she squatted to caress a cat and asked us to translate to its master to confirm that the cat was pregnant. The nursery owner told us, “This foreign lady you brought is very special. My flowers straightened up in chorus to look at her when she came in.”

Leela was like this, a rare woman who walked across this planet giving us a garden of love.

Thanks Leela!

Your beloved “Miastini”


You can leave a message / tribute / anecdote using our contact form (please add ‘Leela’ in the subject field)

Leela !!!!
Such a joy to have been your friend for so many years ….
Now – you leave me with a new challenge – to find that connection inside of me…
Loving you forever,

Your all-encompassing heart embrace will stay and support me to walk on this path!
Deep gratitude and love, dear Leela!

Amata Leela, nel cuore, profondamente unite. Amore e Luce,

I am glad I saw you in May, 2017, in Miasto. You have been a light in so many dark moments in my life. I felt your healing love wherever I was. You will be missed. Now your energy has expanded. Your energy will be felt even more. Your hugs were always so healing. “Opening of the heart” …!! It happened Leela. ??

Beloved Leela, how can I say in words what you have meant to me and what you have given to me? Your immense Love and presence and warmth and support and seeing and much more – there is a pain in my heart to hear this right now and at the same time the Love is overflowing for you. You will always have a space in my heart forever – wherever you are – will never ever forget you and somewhere we will meet again …..

So there you are!
Lost and gone…
I knew you from somewhere
and now you are alone…

Your death means nothing
to me, your aliveness
on the contrary everything
to me, your aliveness…

You led a group: Energy
in Rajneeshpuram and
I was there and you see
my aura and I understand…

Some spiritual thing
about myself; an initiation
a mysterious happening
into myself; just nothing…

Special…ordinary mysticism
from a modern mystic wise lady.

Vedant Sajjad

Love Love Love

Divine woman… no words, just a deep sigh. Softly remembering you, a being of light, love, wisdom and unbounded joy.
Deva Padma

Mia amata Leela. Mia Leela. Grazie. Grazie per averti incontrata. Grazie per avermi abbracciata. Grazie perché non ci sono parole. Grazie perché Sei dentro di me. E ti porto nel cuore. Love,

Beautiful Leela! My heart deeply remembers you and is sooo grateful for the transformation you brought to my life. I love your so compassionate sense of humour and I am sure you are carrying it with you forever! Thank you, thank you infinitely, Heart Specialist. With Love and Gratitude,

Slowly out of no-where we were called and gathered together AGAIN. We danced and sang, we loved, and some like Leela helped many through her discoveries and teaching. At some point in time, when we are needed again, we will be called again – perhaps this time with even more intensity. This is what we do, the people of the light, we are there when we are needed… Thank you for helping, me lovely Leela,
Jivan Abhiram

Some 30 years ago we met in Berlin and I had the most wonderful heart-group with you and my beloved. Thank you! Sending you love, hugs and flowers on your way into the clear light!

Just a few years back 🙂 in 1981, Wadud and Waduda created a wonderful safe landing pad at Paras in Berkeley for many of us tweening from P1 to the ranch. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to participate in that particular buddhafield at that particular time. Heartfelt thanks for a generosity of spirit that has so clearly reached across time and touched so many.

Warm memories of feeling embraced, loved, seen and gently challenged. Thank you ?

I know you are well! I just hope I could have met you. Please forgive me, even for this moment I feel love and compassion and I know it is you. Go well, my fellow sannyasin! ?

Beloved Leela,
my first heart group with you in Berlin in the eighties gave me deep insights in the ways of the heart, which I never forgot. They are still helping me again and again. And meeting you in Sedona in the nineties in a merit session, taught me the healing forces of seeing the merits in other people and myself. Thank you for meeting you in Osho’s garden, enjoying your loving kindness, your humour.
I wish you all the best for your journey and will always remember you with love,
Bodhi Anjali

Just read about Leela’s passing. I knew her as Waduda and (Wadud & Alvina) in the 80’s at the Ranch, traveling together on the “Buddhafield Express” after the Ranch closed, and early 90’s in Poona 2. I feel so shocked to learn that such a vibrant, loving, caring, compassionate Osho friend is no longer in her body; however, I feel her presence with me in these moments. Oh, yes, I do! Thank you, Leela, for being in my life in all the ways of your Being-ness. Osho, Osho, Osho! Hugs to Wadud and Alvina!
Ma Govind Prateeksha, Fort Worth, TX

Beloved Leela, I remember all the years in the groups I did with you – and you were the first person I talked really about my pregnancy with my little girl Ella (now nearly 6 years old). I planned to come to you to the womenslib next year…. I feel you know closer than ever inside. All the best for the next pathways. See you in space. Love,

I am the person I am because of Leela. She was my best friend’s girlfriend in college (and no, she never “used to be mine” – I was happy that they were happy with each other). We were part of a group that bonded deeply over radical politics, experiential mysticism, and the kind of deep, far-ranging conversations that earnest college students had in the late 60’s.

When the two of them got married in Washington, DC, in the summer of 1968, I made a point of flying in from Dayton, Ohio, to attend the wedding. Sue (the name I knew Waduda by) introduced me to her friend Rose, who, like me, was heading for San Francisco. Rose and I hit it off, and agreed to meet in SF.

Just about the first thing out of her mouth was, “I’ve got this cool class on Monday nights at San Francisco State College – it’s called Meta PE, and it’s taught by this guy named Stephen Gaskin. It’s an open class. You should come.”

And so Monday Night Class was our second date. We didn’t stay together long – she took off for Vancouver not long after that, and I chose not to follow – but when I walked into Meta PE, I got an immediate sense that these were the people I had come to the West Coast in search of. When Stephen started talking, he made more sense than anybody else I knew of. I was hooked.

Nearly fifty years later, I can look back and say that, if I hadn’t attended Susan/Waduda’s wedding, I very likely would have been somebody very different from who I became as a result of knowing her. I never saw Susan/Waduda again after the wedding. I’d always hoped for a reunion. Alas, it ain’t gonna happen.

Martin Holsinger


Leela, though I knew you as Waduda, you always welcomed me so heartfully, so warmly into the Buddhafield in Pune and Sedona. I remember the times so well. It seems now you are with me so much that is surprises me. You’re there to welcome me still.

Prem Dana


Beloved Leela or Waduda, director of the Osho institute of past, present and future lives. I remember you in celebration on the Ranch. Later you came to our center in Stockholm. You taught me the heart phone and how to trust. You told me that the way I knew pain could be helpful to others. Many years later I managed to find your phone number, when I suddenly found myself living in the Midwest, next to The trail of tears. I knew you would understand and you did, you answered my call and helped me stay grounded.

Never born and never died. No beginning no end. This our timeless love affair…



Dear Leela,

Ti ho conosciuta come Waduda a Miasto e a Sedona con Prasad, allora Wadud, e Alvina. Ho un bel ricordo dei gruppi da Voi condotti e divenni discepolo di Osho con la iniziazione da te condotta.

Un bacio, un abbraccio



I just heard yesterday that You left Your body three years ago…
thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You…
this I felt and feel and will feel in my heart,
whenever I remembered and remember You,
talked and talk about You…
a bit sadness? Yes…
but You were all this years with me, and still
are… love You so much, Waduda…
(sorry… Leela!)
PS: I guess, Your ten-year-plan has quite
extended… open end…
with a crying and a laughing eye
always Yours, so grateful …

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