We hear from Amiyo that on 8th and 9th December she will present the Gurdjieff Movements, together with Chetan and a group of 20 dancers, in Paris and Normandy, following the initiative of Alain Kremski, the word-known pianist and interpreter of Gurdjieff music.
When Alain Kremski, the world-known pianist, and interpreter of Gurdjieff music, asked if our group would like to collaborate with him on such a project, my heart, body and mind said joyfully, “Yes!” And so did the 21 other dancers, who come from all over the world.
For me, this is an opportunity that existence offers to unite Osho and Gurdjieff in the same creative spirit, to fill the gap between these, and to spread impressions of beauty, peace and harmony in a world that is lost and in great need.
Our group will share the work they have been doing with the Movements. It is a work in progress, always more to be found, explored, refined. It is a reflection of the practice as it is in this moment and we take on joyfully all challenges.
We are not trying to show the Movements, but to have a new experience – for the dancers but also for the public. The Movements are a meeting of the opposites: movement and stillness. Something is visible, something is invisible. When a movement has stillness in its inner core, it transmits its quality to the public, it becomes an instrument of silence and peace for everyone who is open to it.
I am always hesitating before planning a public demonstration of Gurdjieff Movements, as I know how slippery the ground of a ‘performance’ can be. The ego could easily take possession of the whole experience, creating separation, tensions, pride, self-awareness – as contrary to awareness of the self, of the unity of the group, of the spirit of the Movements. The ego could lead us in the very opposite direction of what Gurdjieff meant when he created them.
Gurdjieff’s aim was to help us become more conscious, to sustain attention, to connect with the sensations in our body, to provide shocks, to produce new vibrations, to create a certain silent inner state, to have a direct and immediate experience of our quality of Presence. Our attention is not just on the outer manifestation of the Movements, but also on our inner state and motivation.
I remember that when Osho asked me to start leading the practice of Gurdjieff dances in Pune, he also said that each long group should culminate with a public presentation in Buddha Hall. So here now there is a ‘performance’ (actually 4) in France!
Saturday, December 8th at 11:30 am and 3 pm, Salle Colonne, 94 Bd Auguste Blanqui, Paris 13th, Metro Glacière, tickets online or at door
Sunday, December 9th at 11:30 am and 3 pm, Moulin D’Andé, 65 rue du Moulin, 27430 Andé, 10 km from Val de Reuil train station, Normandie, tickets at door
Details: PDF
Amiyo is a teacher of Gurdjieff Dances – gurdjieff-dances.com
Related articles
- Journey into the Sunrise – Upcoming public performance of Gurdjieff Dances by Amiyo’s group (with pianist Alan Kremski) on 2nd April 2017 in Munich – video of 2015 event filmed by Hamido
- Gurdjieff Movements: The Radiance of Presence – Amiyo shares the story about one of her biggest love affairs (May 2012)
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