

(25 May 1948 – 2 February 2020)

Murari with a child
Murari in darshan with Vibhusha

Murari (Jan Duclos), originally from France, came to Pune in the mid-seventies and many might remember him working in the mala shop. He was a man of all trades, with golden hands as they say; he was a jeweller and an art & antique dealer.

For the last 20 years he lived in India near Hampi and had a young family. He was working as a botanist and developed wall gardens. He also established a centre to keep ethnic traditional crafts alive. With Murari’s amazing artistic talent and his wife, Laxmi, being born into the tradition of the Lambhanis, they had many women in Hampi working for them. They sold their art in Pondicherry and in France.

The family later moved to live in Nîmes, France, where they opened a shop to sell this handicraft.

To help his young wife and son, Solal, cover the funeral expenses:

Thanks to Prem Bhavesh and to Avesh


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