Phoebe’s monthly horoscope with quotes by Osho: “If the emotion is negative, you will be freed of it by being aware that it is within you. If the emotion is positive, you will become the emotion itself.”
Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.
Mood of the Month
“With negative or positive, with any emotion, use this and there will be a great change in you. If the emotion is negative, you will be freed of it by being aware that it is within you. If the emotion is positive, you will become the emotion itself. If it is joy, you will become joy. If it is anger, the anger will dissolve. And this is the difference between negative and positive emotions. If… by your becoming aware the emotion dissolves, it is negative. If, by your becoming aware… you then become the emotion, if the emotion then spreads and becomes your being, it is positive. Awareness works differently in both cases.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1, Ch 33
Relevant Planetary Positions: Chiron in Aries. Mars retrograde in Aries until 14th, then direct. Moon in Aries 24th-27th.
Major Aspects for Aries: Moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron and Mars on 25th, and squares Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn on 26th.
“If you can understand the whole process of anger and hate, in the very process of understanding it disappears, because a basic ingredient to be angry and to be hateful is to be ignorant about it, to be un-alert about it… When you are alert you cannot be angry – the alertness absorbs all the energy which becomes anger… Observe it, be conscious of it, don’t be sleepy! And the more alert you are the less anger… The same energy becomes love, the same energy becomes compassion.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 22
Relevant Planetary Positions: Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Venus in Libra until 21st, then in Scorpio. Moon in Taurus 1st-2nd and 27th-29th.
Major Aspects for Taurus: Venus opposes Chiron on 1st and Mars on 9th. Venus squares Pluto on 15th, Jupiter on 16th and Saturn on 19th and opposes Uranus on 27th. Moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus on 27th and opposes Mercury on 29th. Moon trines Jupiter and Pluto on 1st and Saturn on 2nd, and then trines Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn again on 29th.
“Love is life and it is greater than you. You cannot possess it… You can only allow yourself to be possessed by it. It cannot be controlled… You become afraid, you close the door, you close that dimension completely because fear enters… You can possess money; you cannot possess love, and because of this we have been turning everything into a thing. You even go on turning persons into things because then you can possess them. If you love a person, you are not the master – no one is the master… Rather, love is the master and both are possessed by a greater force than themselves.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 4
Relevant Planetary Positions: North node in Gemini. Retrograde Mercury in Libra turns direct on 3rd and re-enters Scorpio on 10th. Moon in Gemini 2nd-4th and 29th-30th.
Major Aspects for Gemini: Mercury squares Saturn on 1st and 6th, opposes Uranus on 17th and trines Neptune on 24th. Moon in Gemini trines Venus and Mercury and squares Neptune on 3rd.
“Grow in sensitivity – when you touch, when you hear, when you eat, when you take a bath, allow your senses to be open, and don’t think – feel! You are standing under the shower, feel the coolness of the water falling on you. Don’t think about it… Don’t verbalize, because the moment you verbalize you miss feeling… Feel the coolness and don’t say that it is cool. There is no need to say anything. But our minds are just mad – we go on saying something or other.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 15
Relevant Planetary Positions: New Moon in Scorpio on 15th. Full Moon in Sagittarius on 30th. Moon in Cancer 4th-7th.
Major Aspects for Cancer: Moon in Cancer squares Venus and Chiron on 5th and Mercury on 7th. Moon trines Neptune and opposes Jupiter and Pluto on 6th and Saturn on 7th.
“No one is your enemy; don’t see the enemy anywhere. That doesn’t mean that there will not be enemies, and there will not be people who will exploit you. There will be. They will exploit you, but be exploited and don’t be cunning… Be exploited but don’t be mistrusting, don’t disbelieve, don’t lose faith. That is more valuable than anything others can cheat you of. Nothing else is so valuable… So really if you lose faith you are losing something, otherwise nothing is lost.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 38
Relevant Planetary Positions: Sun in Scorpio until 21st, then in Sagittarius. Moon in Leo 7th-9th.
Major Aspects for Leo: Sun conjuncts Moon in Scorpio on 15th and opposes Moon in Gemini on 30th. Sun trines Neptune on 10th and trines Chiron on 27th.
“The ego is a greed for new experiences, and every new experience will become old… Spirituality is not a search for experience really. Spirituality is a search for one’s being – not for any experience, not even for bliss, not even for ecstasy, because experience is an outer thing, however inner it is outer. Spirituality is the search for the real being that is inside you – ‘I must know what my reality is!’ And with that knowing, all greed for experiencing ceases… With the knowing of the inner true reality, the authentic being, all search ceases.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 16
Relevant Planetary Positions: Retrograde Mercury in Libra turns direct on 3rd and re-enters Scorpio on 10th. Moon in Virgo 9th-11th.
Major Aspects for Virgo: Mercury squares Saturn on 1st and 6th, opposes Uranus on 17th and trines Neptune on 24th. Moon in Virgo trines Uranus and opposes Neptune on 10th and trines Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn on 11th.
“What is worry? There are two alternatives and no way to decide between them, and the mind goes on, one moment this side, another moment that side. This is what worry is. Worry means you have to decide and you are trying to decide, but you cannot decide. So you are worrying, puzzled, moving in vicious circles. An enlightened one is never worried – he is total… An enlightened one is a deep unity, he is a universe… Whatsoever an enlightened person is doing, there is no thinking, no thought. He is doing it… Thinking is needed because you have no eyes to see!”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 40
Relevant Planetary Positions: Venus in Libra until 21st, then in Scorpio. Moon in Libra 11th-13th.
Major Aspects for Libra: Venus opposes Chiron on 1st and Mars on 9th. Venus squares Pluto on 15th, Jupiter on 16th and Saturn on 19th and opposes Uranus on 27th. Moon in Libra opposes Mars on 12th and squares Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn on 13th.
“Why do you want to be attached to someone? Because alone you feel you are not enough. You lack something, something is incomplete in you. You are not a whole, you need someone to complete you – hence attachment. If you are aware, you are complete, you are a whole… you don’t need anyone. You… feel a total independence, a feeling of wholeness. That doesn’t mean that you will not love persons – rather, on the contrary, only you can love… Only a person who is aware can love… but then love has a totally different dimension – it is not attachment.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 34
Relevant Planetary Positions: Sun in Scorpio until 21st. Mercury re-enters Scorpio on 10th and Venus enters Scorpio on 21st. Pluto in Capricorn. Moon in Scorpio 13th-15th
Major Aspects for Scorpio: Jupiter conjuncts Pluto on 12th. Venus squares Pluto on 15th. Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus and trines Neptune on 14th.
“Search for life – if you don’t, death will claim you. Every moment it comes nearer and nearer. After birth each moment brings you closer to death’s victory. And no matter what you do, unless you decide to live a real life, this victory is already decided. Property, power, fame – all these count for nothing in the wake of death’s triumph. The realization of the existence of the self is the only thing that is outside death, because the self alone exists outside time. Living in the realm of time is rushing towards death… Stop and think about the direction you are moving in.”
Osho, The Long, the Short and the All, Ch 5
Relevant Planetary Positions: Sun in Sagittarius from 21st. South node in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Capricorn. Moon in Sagittarius 15th-17th.
Major Aspects for Sagittarius: Jupiter conjuncts Pluto on 12th. Venus squares Jupiter on 16th. Moon in Sagittarius trines Chiron and Mars and squares Neptune on 16th.
“Unless you become that which you can become, you will not be fulfilled. You must become that which you can become – it is a must! Otherwise you will be frustrated, you will feel meaningless, you will feel that there is no purpose in life. You can carry on but there will be no joy in it. And you may succeed in many other things, but you will fail with yourself, and this is happening. Someone becomes very rich and everyone thinks that now he has succeeded… He knows his failure – wealth is there but he has failed… This world is strange: you succeed in everyone’s eyes except your own.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 7
Relevant Planetary Positions: Saturn in Capricorn with Jupiter and Pluto. Moon in Capricorn 17th-19th.
Major aspects for Capricorn: Mercury squares Saturn on 1st. Venus squares Saturn on 19th. Moon in Capricorn squares Chiron and Mars on 18th and squares Venus and conjuncts Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn on 19th.
“Reality cannot support anything which is not, and your ego is the most impossible thing, the greatest falsity. It is not there; it is your creation… Rather than lose your ego, you try to avoid seeing the reality, and then around your ego you create a false world which you think is the reality. Then you live in your own world. You are not in contact with the real world – you cannot be because you are afraid. You are living in a glasshouse of the ego. The fear is there – whenever the reality comes in contact your ego may be destroyed… We go on escaping from reality just to protect, to defend, this impossible ego!”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 15
Relevant Planetary Positions: Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Moon in Aquarius 19th-22nd.
Major aspects for Aquarius: Mercury opposes Uranus on 17th, Venus opposes Uranus on 27th. Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus on 20th. Mercury opposes Uranus on 7th, Venus trines Uranus on 10th. Moon in Aquarius squares Mercury on 23rd, and squares Uranus on 24th.
“We want to change if there is no risk, and that’s impossible… because everything has to be at stake, then only is change possible. Change cannot be partial. Either it is or it is not – it can only be total. So the decision is between to be and not to be. It is a jump not a gradual process. If you are really fed up with the life that you have lived, if you are really fed up with your old patterns that you have been repeating constantly, then there is no trouble… Change is very easy… Just the very understanding brings change, the very understanding becomes a transformation.”
Osho, Above All Don’t Wobble, Ch 16
Relevant Planetary Positions: Retrograde Neptune in Pisces turns direct on 28th. Moon in Pisces 22nd-24th.
Major Aspects for Pisces: Sun trines Neptune on 10th, Mercury trines Neptune on 24th. Moon in Pisces trines Venus on 22nd and trines Mercury and conjuncts Neptune on 23rd.
“One man came to Gautam Buddha. He was filled with much compassion, with much sympathy, and he asked Gautam Buddha, ‘What can I do to help the world?’ Buddha is reported to have laughed and said to the man, ‘You cannot do anything because you are not. How can you do anything when you are not? So don’t think of the world. Don’t think of how to serve the world, how to help others… First be, and if you are then whatsoever you do becomes a service, it becomes a prayer, it becomes compassion. Your presence is the turning point, your being is the revolution.”
Osho, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 2, Ch 9
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