A meditation given by Osho to a new sannyasin to do at night before sleep.
The meditation is very simple. Sit in the bed, relax the body, close the eyes, and just imagine that you are lost in a mountainous region. It is a dark night, no moon in the sky, and it is a very clouded sky – you cannot see even a single star, it is absolutely dark – you cannot see even your own hand. You are lost in the mountains and it is very difficult to grope your way. There is every danger – any moment you can fall into some valley, into some abyss and you will be gone forever. So you are groping very cautiously. You are fully alert because the danger is tremendous, and when the danger is tremendous one has to be very alert.
So the imagination of the dark night and the mountainous region is just to create a very dangerous situation. And you are very alert — even if a pin drops you will be able to hear it. Then suddenly you come near a precipice. One can feel that now there is no way ahead, and one never knows how deep is the abyss. So you take a rock and throw into the abyss, mm? Just to see how deep it is. Wait and listen for the report of the rock falling on other rocks. But you go on listening, you go on listening, you go on listening, and there is no report – as if it is an abyss with no bottom. Just listening, listening, listening, a great fear arises in you, and with that fear of course your awareness becomes a flame. […]
You throw the rock and you wait — just your ear close by and you go on listening, listening, and you wait with a beating heart, and no sound. It is utterly silent. In that sound, fall asleep. In that soundless silence: fall asleep.
Osho, The Shadow of the Whip, Ch 5
Featured image credit: Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash
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