The goose… has never been in

Hot Chillies

“Mind is just a procession of thoughts passing in front of you on the screen of the brain,” states Osho.

Chillies in bottle

Awareness is the goose which is not in the bottle of the mind. But you are believing that it is in it and asking everyone how to get it out. And there are idiots who will help you, with techniques, to get out of it. I call them idiots because they have not understood the thing at all.

The goose is out, has never been in, so the question of bringing it out does not arise.

Mind is just a procession of thoughts passing in front of you on the screen of the brain. You are an observer. But you start getting identified with beautiful things – those are bribes. And once you get caught in the beautiful things you are also caught in the ugly things, because mind cannot exist without duality.

Osho, Beyond Psychology, Ch 19, Q 1 (excerpt)

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