
Awareness / Watchfulness

“There are no concepts that can depict it, and, above all, there is no entity separated from the presence that experiences it. I’m not there.” An excerpt from Avikal’s book, Who is in? Beyond Self-image.

In a letter, Siddho is asking: “Why wait for emergencies to be aware? Or to be compassionate? Or to be new and fresh every moment? Why not find out every day that our home is inside?”

Osho speaks in darshan to Krishna Saraswati; “Jealousy can remain only if you are unconscious of it,” and to Leela; “he should observe – and for you, be involved in things and move moment to moment.”

Purushottama emphasizes that in order for the transformation of consciousness to take place, we have to look directly at the mind. It is not enough to know about meditation; we have to meditate.

“The watcher is not on the screen, he is sitting in the movie hall. But the problem arises when the watcher becomes identified with something on the movie screen,” says Osho.

When we walk, sleep, or even perform a mundane activity with awareness, it becomes meditation and the centring of our being begins, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree, February 4, 2018.