Use sex as an act of meditation

Osho A-Z

“Once you can become a witness in the sex act you will transcend sex, because in witnessing you become free.”

251305_10150275807597195_7155645_nThe sex act is so involuntary and so compulsive that it is difficult to be conscious in it, but it is not impossible. And if you can be conscious in the sex act, then there is no other act in life in which you cannot be conscious, because no act is as deep as sex.

If you can become aware in the sex act, then even in death you will be aware. The depth of the sex act and the depth of death are the same, parallel. You come to the same point. So if you can be aware in the sex act you have achieved a great thing. It is invaluable.

So use sex as an act of meditation. Do not fight it, do not go against it. You cannot fight with nature; you are part and parcel of it. You must have a friendly, sympathetic attitude toward sex. It is the deepest dialogue between you and nature.

In fact, the sex act is not really a dialogue between a man and a woman. It is a dialogue of man with nature, through woman, and of woman with nature, through man. It is a dialogue with nature. For a moment you are in the cosmic flow; you are in the celestial harmony; you are one with the whole. In this way man is fulfilled through woman, and woman through man.

Man is not whole and woman is not whole. They are two fragments of one whole. So whenever they become one in the sexual act, they can be in harmony with the innermost nature of things, with the Tao. This harmony can be a biological birth for a new being. If you are unaware, that is the only possibility. But if you are aware, the act can become a birth for you, a spiritual birth. You will be twice-born through it.

The moment you participate in it consciously, you become a witness to it. And once you can become a witness in the sex act you will transcend sex, because in witnessing you become free.

Osho, The Psychology of the Esoteric, Ch 3

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