A poem by Madhuri.
Council Estate dwellers
are called ‘chavs’,
and the women
famously wear white trainers
with their skinny jeans and puffa jackets –
even in dreich December.
Their hair is topknotted loosely
and they stride along,
those white shoes crying,
“I’m snappy! I’m bright!
Don’t give me no grief
or I’ll give you some shite!”
This morning
I looked out my window
and saw a huge black cat
walking down the road –
going somewhere,
to do his own stuff,
in his own time.
Four little white sneakers
flashed as he strode –
like Morse code,
like Floridian seniors,
like Xmas lights in windows –
…We all do like things that rhyme.
Dec. ’21, L-foot
This poem has been included in Madhuri’s poetry book, Flying Lady with Cat, madhurijewel.com/cat
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