This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Enlightenment is to be in tune with existence. To be in tune with nature…”
Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.
Planetary Positions
Sun in Gemini 20th May-21st June. New Moon in Gemini 30th May. Full Moon in Sagittarius 14th June. Mercury retrograde in Gemini re-enters Taurus on 23rd May, turns direct on 3rd June, and re-enters Gemini on 13th June. Venus in Aries enters Taurus on 28th May. Mars in Pisces enters Aries on 24th May. Jupiter in Aries. Saturn in Aquarius turns retrograde on 4th June. Chiron in Aries. Uranus in Taurus. Neptune in Pisces. Pluto in Capricorn turns retrograde on 2nd June.
Mood of the Month
“You have been here always, and you will be here always. You are part, an essential part, inseparable part of this immensely beautiful dancing existence. Just be natural so that you can remain in tune with existence. So that you can dance in the rain and you can dance in the sun and you can dance with the trees, and you can have a communion even with the rocks, with the mountains, with the stars… Enlightenment is to be in tune with existence. To be in tune with nature… Against nature there is only misery – and misery created by yourself. Nobody else is responsible for it.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 11
“Unless a tree blossoms, it knows no blissfulness. It goes on feeling something is missing. You may have all the pleasures and comforts and luxuries of the world, but unless you know yourself, unless your inner lotus opens, you will go on missing something. You may not be certain what you are missing but a feeling that something is being missed, that I am not complete, that I am not whole, that I am not what existence wanted me to be… goes on nagging everybody. Only the expansion of your consciousness will help.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 1
“All this vast universe is enough unto itself. It needs no God… The meditator encounters existence itself. His own being becomes the experience of godliness. He knows that in his own inner being he is part of eternal life. There is no death, there has never been any death. Experiencing this, there arises a dance so subtle – there arises a deep gratitude, not addressed to anybody in particular but simply addressed to the whole cosmos – to the stars, to the trees, to the earth, to the moon, to the animals, to people… It is an unaddressed gratefulness.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 2
“Modern psychology all around the world is doing something stupid… analyzing all the thoughts which constitute your mind. In the East… our understanding is the mind needs no analysis… It needs simply to be erased. The moment the mind is erased, and the method is meditation, you are left with a body which is absolutely beautiful… The moment the brain is freed from the mind, the innocence of the brain becomes aware of a new space which we have called the soul. Once you have found your soul, you have found your home… The mind is the barrier between your brain, your body and your soul.“
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 16
The essential religion is simply expressed by Socrates in two words, ‘Know Thyself’. In fact, within these two words are included all the holy scriptures of the world and all the mystical experiences of people who have come to know themselves. The moment you know yourself you have known the most precious thing in existence – your consciousness, your bliss… You have come to experience something which can only be called a sound of silence which cannot be heard by your outer ears. But at the very center it is already present. You just have to go there.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 2
“Just think about these questions – Who am I?’ Do you think you can know it? The very process of knowing involves a duality between the knower and the known. And you are the knower; you can never be the known… ‘Why am I here?’, ‘Why are the trees here and why is this whole sky with the stars here?… The ultimate — and the ultimate is the immediate — is simply here for no reason at all. The day you can accept it without any kind of effort you will find a tremendous opening of a totally new vision and perception in which everything is accepted.
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 15
“There is so much misunderstanding. You don’t know what is real, what is unreal. You don’t know what has been imposed on you by others and what you have brought from existence itself as a gift. You have to discriminate, and always choose the natural… Except the natural there is no authentic religiousness anywhere. Except the existential there is nothing holy that you can find… Just watch — inside you is nature, inside you is the existential. Always follow it and you will never be going wrong. To be natural, to be in tune with existence, is the only authentic spirituality.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 1
“Love dissolves identity. In love I am not and you are not. Only love is. Love does not happen between two persons. Between two persons what happens is only fight in different names. It may be in the name of love, it may be in the name of something beautiful but, as long as two persons cling to their identities, to their personalities which they have cultivated their whole lives, naturally there is great investment… Love comes like a wild breeze and takes away all your cultivated identity. You are left just a pure silence, a serenity… There is tremendous isness but there is no identity left.
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 18
“These are the two separate paths: one is will to power, the other is will to dissolve… The very idea to be powerful over other people means taking their dignity, destroying their individuality, forcing them to be slaves. Only an ugly mind can do that… Have you seen the power of a starry night – not dominating anybody? Have you seen the power of the smallest leaf dancing in the sun, in the rain – its beauty, its grandeur, its joy? It has nothing to do with anybody else. It does not even need somebody to see it. This is true independence, and it brings you to the source of your being from where your life is arising.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 24
“Existence protects those who are in search of truth. Slowly slowly, you will see that you cannot fall – the universe will not allow it… Call it love, call it silence, call it nothingness, but in everything, remember, the tremendous intelligence of existence is always there… You may take a wrong step. But when trust becomes total you drop all cautiousness; you simply relax. Whatever existence decides to be your destiny, you are absolutely willing to relax in it. This is the only experience that has transformed people from ordinary, mundane mortals into immortal beings… into luminous lights.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 25
“You are trying to do business with existence, and existence is not available to the businessman’s mind. The businessman is always trying to have more by giving less. That is simply the whole economics of business – give less and get more, that is the profit… When
you know that as a separate entity you don’t exist, then there is no question of giving and taking. You are in existence, you have been in existence, you will be in existence. And this very understanding that I am an essential part of this vast beautiful universe will make you dance, will make you celebrate.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 15
“Each… has to be a revolt in himself – transforming his own being, cleaning his own mind and spreading the message of freedom. Not of Christianity, not of Hinduism, but simply the dignity of the individual and his total freedom. Unless we can create this planet consisting of free individuals, we cannot survive any more. The old, the past, has come to its very end. It can only manage a global suicide. I am fighting against the global suicide of a beautiful planet which has evolved more than any other planet… My teaching is very simple: the whole man – inside a meditator and outside a creator!”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 14
“To go beyond your head and your heart is to transcend the duality of existence. This transcendence brings you to your being. Being simply means you have dropped the ego that was part of your head. You have even dropped the separation, very subtle and delicate, that was part of your heart. You have dropped all barriers between you and the whole. Suddenly the dewdrop has slipped from the lotus leaf into the ocean. It has become one with it. In a sense you are no more and in a sense you are for the first time. As a dewdrop you are no more, but as the ocean you are… and this is your nature.”
Osho, Om Mani Padme Hum, Ch 2
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