A poem by Madhuri.
In order to view this poem as the author intended it to appear, we suggest reading it on a computer screen or in the landscape orientation on your phone.
I stood in the entrance
to the green yard
looking at the old stone church –
the whole wall of it
full of sun
glowing with sun
And up behind,
a sky black as twilight –
And I heard the bells, the bells –
I walked round to the side
– a tune now, mechanized
but still, there it was –
I went on, into the leafy tunnel
beneath the rich old trees,
mossy walkway
dappled with gold and shade –
bong bong bong
bingly boop bong –
70 years a queen –
as long as I’ve been here;
than many of us have been here –
Grace and forbearance,
in her long captivity –
day by day by day – .
Emerging onto the narrow path
between stream and rough stone wall
And now it rains –
It really rains –
Sept. ‘22, Ludd Village
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