“Don’t judge others and don’t be perturbed and disturbed by others’ judgment,” says Osho.
Can you give us some clue as to how we can get over the barriers we create for ourselves when we come up against fear?
Any conflict will create more barriers. If there is fear and you start doing something about it, then a new fear has entered: fear of the fear. It has become more complex. So the one thing to be done is, if fear is there, accept it. Don’t do anything about it because doing will not help. Anything that you do out of fear will create more fear; anything that you do out of confusion will add more to confusion.
Don’t do anything. If fear is there note down that fear is there and accept it. What can you do? Nothing can be done; fear is there. See, if you can just note down the fact that fear is there, where is the fear then? You have accepted it; it has dissolved. Acceptance dissolves; only acceptance, nothing else. If you fight you create another disturbance and this can go on ad infinitum, then there is no end to it. People come to me and they say, “We are very afraid, what should we do?” If I give them something to do they will do it with the being which is full of fear, so action will come out of their fear. And the action that comes out of fear cannot be anything other than fear.
I have heard that Adolf Hitler was suffering from deep depression, melancholy, and psychologists were saying that it was due to some hidden inferiority complex. So all the Aryan psychologists were called. They tried but they couldn’t help, nothing came out of their analysis. So they suggested that a Jewish psychoanalyst should be called. Hitler was not ready in the beginning to call a Jew, but seeing no way out of it he had to yield. A great Jewish psychoanalyst was called. He analyzed, penetrated deep into Hitler’s mind, dreams, and then he suggested, “Nothing much is a problem. Simply repeat one thing continuously, ‘I am important, I am significant, I am indispensable.’ Let it be a mantra. Night, day, whenever you remember, repeat ‘I am important, I am significant, I am indispensable.'”
Hitler said, “Stop! You are giving me bad advice.”
The psychoanalyst couldn’t understand. He said, “What do you mean? Why do you call this bad advice?”
Hitler said, “Because whatsoever I say, I am such a liar, I cannot believe it. I am such a liar, whatsoever I say, I cannot believe it. If you say: Repeat ‘I am indispensable,’ I know that this is a lie. I am saying it. I am a liar.”
Out of lies, if you repeat something it will become a lie; out of fear, if you do something it will become a fear again. Out of hate, if you try to love that love will just be a hidden hate; it cannot be anything else – you are full of hate. Go to the preachers and they will say, “Try to love.” They are talking nonsense because how can a person who is full of hate try to love? If he tries to love, this love will come out of hatred; it will be poisoned already, poisoned from the very source. And this is what the misery of all preachers is.
Gandhi said to people who were violent: Try to be nonviolent. Then their nonviolence comes out of violence, so their nonviolence is just a facade, just a face to show. Deep down, they are boiling with violence. If your brahmacharya, your celibacy, comes out of too much sexuality, it will be perverted sex, nothing else.
So please don’t create any conflict. If you have one problem, don’t create another; remain with the one, don’t fight and create another. It is easier to solve one problem than to solve another. The first is near the source, the second will be removed. The further away, the more impossible it becomes to solve it.
If you have fear, you have fear – why make a problem out of it? Then you know that you have fear, just as you have two hands. Why create a problem out of it – as if you have only one nose, not two? Why create a problem out of it? Fear is there: accept it, note it. Accept it, don’t bother about it. What will happen? Suddenly you will feel it has disappeared. And this is the inner alchemy – a problem disappears if you accept it, and a problem grows more and more complex if you create any conflict with it. Yes, suffering is there, and suddenly fear comes – accept it. It is there and nothing can be done about it. And when I say nothing can be done about it, don’t think that I am talking about pessimism to you. When I say nothing can be done about it I am giving you the key to solve it.
Suffering is there. It is part of life and part of growth; nothing is bad in it. Suffering becomes evil only when it is simply destructive and not creative at all; suffering becomes bad only when you suffer and nothing is gained out of it. But I am telling you the divine can be gained through suffering; then it becomes creative. Darkness is beautiful if the dawn is coming out of it soon; darkness is dangerous if it is endless, leads to no dawn, simply continues and continues and you go on moving in a rut, in a vicious circle.
This is what is happening to you. Just to escape from one suffering you create another; then to escape from another, another. And this goes on and on and all those sufferings which you have not lived are waiting for you. You have escaped but you escape from one suffering to another, because a mind which was creating a suffering will create another. So you can escape from this suffering to that, but suffering will be there because your mind is the creative force.
Accept the suffering and pass through it; don’t escape. This is a totally different dimension to work in. Suffering is there: encounter it, go through it. Fear will be there, accept it. You will tremble, so tremble. Why create a facade that you don’t tremble, that you are not afraid? If you are a coward, accept it.
Everyone is a coward. People you call brave are just facades. Deep down they are as cowardly as anyone else, rather, more cowardly because just to hide that cowardliness they have created a bravery around them, and sometimes they act in such a way that everyone knows they are not cowards. Their bravery is just a screen. How can man be brave – because death is there. How can man be brave – because man is just a leaf in the winds. How can the leaf help not to tremble? When the wind blows the leaf will tremble. But you never say to the leaf, “You are a coward.” You only say that the leaf is alive. So when you tremble and fear takes grip of you, you are a leaf in the wind. Beautiful – why create a problem out of it? But society has created problems out of everything.
If a child is afraid in the dark, we say, “Don’t be afraid, be brave.” Why? The child is innocent – naturally he feels fear in the dark. You force him: “Be brave.” So he also forces, then he becomes tense. Then he endures the darkness but now he is tense; now his whole being is ready to tremble and he suppresses it. This suppressed trembling will follow him his whole life. It was good to tremble in the darkness, nothing was wrong. It was good to cry and run, nothing was wrong. The child would have come out of darkness more experienced, more knowing. And he would have realized, if he passed through darkness trembling and crying and weeping, that there was nothing to fear. Suppressed, you never experience the thing in its totality, you never gain anything out of it. Wisdom comes through suffering and wisdom comes through acceptance. Whatsoever the case, be at ease with it.
Don’t look to society and its condemnation. Nobody is to judge you here and nobody can pretend to be a judge. Don’t judge others and don’t be perturbed and disturbed by others’ judgment. You are alone and you are unique. You never were before, you never will be again. You are beautiful. Accept it. And whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it. Soon, suffering will be a learning; then it has become creative.
Fear will give you fearlessness. Out of anger will come compassion. Out of the understanding of hate, love will be born to you. But this happens not in a conflict, this happens in a passing-through with alert awareness. Accept, and pass through it. And if you make it a point to pass through every experience, then there will be death, the most intense experience. Life is nothing before it because life cannot be so intense as death.
Life is spread out over a long time – seventy years, one hundred years. Death is intense because it is not spread out – it is in a single moment. Life has to pass one hundred years or seventy years, it cannot be so intense. Death comes in a single moment; it comes whole, not fragmentary. It will be so intense you cannot know anything more intense. But if you are afraid, if before death comes you have escaped, if you have become unconscious because of the fear, you have missed one of the golden opportunities, the golden gate. If your whole life you have been accepting things, when death comes, patiently, passively you will accept and enter into it without any effort to escape. If you can enter death passively, silently, without any effort, death disappears. When Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Mahavir say you are deathless, they are not talking about a doctrine, they are talking about their own experience.
This can happen here in this camp also, because samadhi is death, dhyan is death, meditation is death. Many times there will be moments when you will suddenly feel you are dying. Don’t escape, allow it to happen. If you allow it to happen, death has gone, death is there no more, and the inner flame, beginningless, endless, has come into being. It has always been there, now you can feel it. So this should be the sutra. With fear, hate, jealousy, anything whatsoever, don’t create a problem out of it. Accept it, allow it, pass through it, and you will defeat all suffering, all death. And you will become a Jaina – a victorious one.
Osho, A Bird on the Wing, Ch 1, Q 1 (originally named Roots & Wings)
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