Being relaxed…

From Subhan's Desk

Subhan writes: “A little watching is extremely helpful! It can defuse an otherwise potential confrontation.”

call centre

I made an appointment over the phone today. And when we finished, I thanked the person for their time and their help.

After hanging up, I realized that it was so easy to be relaxed – and to feel grateful for the person’s help.

Then a question arose: How can the same situation be so difficult at times?

The answer came quickly! I had no investment this time that it should be otherwise!

Whenever I want something to happen, and it doesn’t, the mind can always produce frustration and anxiety…and pain. Then the irritation kicks in, in the form of what I say, and the way I say it. It’s as if the mind is protecting itself from some pain, perceived to be inflicted by the other.

A little watching is extremely helpful! It can defuse an otherwise potential confrontation.

And, like this phone call, it can be clear from the beginning that flexibility is available. Or, better to say, there was nothing that required a particular outcome, which often produces tension and anxiety.

Simple, everyday moments hold amazing possibilities to be more present and watchful. It’s a bit of a knack, and it can happen to anyone. All that’s needed is to continue to be watchful, whenever possible!

And, it certainly helps to have the experience of silence and relaxation that meditation can give you!

Subhan and Shanti will be facilitating an online Meditation Retreat (March 10, 11 and 12, 2023) where there will be many opportunities to experience how to deal with the overthinking mind… and move into the silence and stillness that exists outside of the mind! It’s called, How to Step Out of the Overthinking Mind!

Photo by Charanjeet Dhiman on Unsplash


Subhan is a certified counselor in Seattle, WA, USA and facilitates many different workshops.

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