Five more stories from Bhagawati’s book, serialized on Osho World: Rashid, Anupama, Sarjano, Homa, Garimo.
Read intro for Osho News by Bhagawati and get links to previous episodes: Past the Point of No Return
Recollections of Osho Disciples on how they became his sannyasins
“I have found my people. I have found my world. I have found a small planet of my own, where love is the only law, where laughter is prayer, where dancing is divine, where every moment is sacred, and where to be natural is the only spirituality.” More…
MA DEVA GARIMO (Divine Glory)
Born in 1951 in Aachen, Germany. Garimo took sannyas in 1977 and presently lives in Perth, Western Australia.
Putting my story into mere words seems so dry – just a list of “one thing after another,” when at the time it was all a warm orange blur. In the mid-1970s, I was a young and idealistic feminist lesbian, and I took it very seriously at the time. Read more…
MA PREM HOMA (Offering of Love)
Born in 1951 in Cologne, Germany. Homa took sannyas in 1978 and left her body in December 2022 in Nordhorn, Germany.
At the age of about seven, I repeatedly had very intense dreams of a wise man with a long beard sitting silently in some mountainous area. I felt very much drawn to that man and simply knew that this man was ‘wise’, that he knew the truth, and I wanted to find him. Read more…
SWAMI SWATANTRA SARJANO (Freedom and Creativity)
Born in 1943 in Pordenone, Italy. Sarjano took sannyas in 1978 and presently lives in Rome, Italy.
“When a real lion
meets a real Master
he recognizes him…”
Born in 1944 in Kew Gardens, New York, U.S.A. Anupama took sannyas in 1974 and presently lives in California, U.S.A.
I first heard of Osho in 1974, when I was living in the California Bay Area. Back in those days, Ma Yoga Sushila was running a Rajneesh Meditation Centre in San Francisco. I met Sushila through my ex-husband, Robert Birnbaum. Robert is a Ph.D. psychotherapist, and he had discovered Sushila and the Rajneesh Centre while attending a retreat at Esalen, in California. Read more…
SWAMI DEVA RASHID (Divine Unerring Quality)
Born in 1937 in London, England. Rashid took sannyas in 1977 and presently lives in Hollocombe, Devon, England.
These bright crisp winter afternoons, I’m laying hedges round the field I keep the beehives in. I learned that agricultural skill – they call it pleaching here in Devon – some thirty years ago, before the current tractor-mounted chain flails were invented. You have to learn to work with how the trees and shrubs grow naturally, and then it’s only after twenty years that you see the merits and the lapses in your pleaching work. Although I’ve barely used the skill in the intervening years, you don’t forget such things. Read more…
Related articles
- Past the Point of No Return: Inner and Outer Journeys – Reviews and feed-backs on Bhagawati’s compilation of stories (June 2012)
- Articles by Sarjano on Osho News
- Articles by Rashid on Osho News
- Homa (29 September 1951 – 30 December 2022)
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