– 1 July 2023
Take care of the treasures of your heart.
The world is the shell, you the pearl.”
– Satbodhi Lisboa
Swami Prem Satbodhi Lisboa was a teacher and journalist. He had graduated in Sociology and Psychology. As a deep researcher into the human being he was involved in: Alexander, Feldenkrais and Neo-Reichian Therapy at the Wilhelm Reich Institute in Mexico, with Blanca Añorve; Enlightenment Intensive, Rebirthing, at Geetam in California and Therapeutic Process, with Doro Zarate.
From his studies and working with people came several participations and creations, such as: Vital Field (bioenergetics, theatre and Gestalt) and Personal Deprogramming Process (derived from the Fischer-Hofmann Process).
He created and/or managed places like the Instituto Ser and Osho Khalid (Brasília), Homa (Porto Alegre), Asas e Raízes Institute (Curitiba), Escola da Consciência (Alto Paraíso de Goiás).
While he was a student in Brasilia, Sat was unlawfully imprisoned by the military dictatorship regime of those days in his homeland, Brazil. He lived through moments in which his courage was tested due to the uncertainties, tortures and threats he received during imprisonment.
Two years ago, in an interview with the online programme, Stories with Osho, created and presented in Brazil by Divya and Abheeru, Sat revealed that his greatest interest had always been to work with people. He worked with many, sharing his deep research, genuine love and intelligent insights, and during his frequent travels he was always supported by Osho’s meditations and teachings. Many have came to know about Kundalini, Dynamic and many other Osho meditations through him.
Satbodhi, or Sat, as his friends used to call him, indeed carried high the spirit of the name given to him by Osho: Prem Satbodhi, meaning love, consciousness and truth. He met Osho in Rajneeshpuram in 1982.
Gifted with great oratory skills, he was a creative and authentic man with a sagacious humour. Sat managed to captivate the hearts of many whom he guided and helped along the way.
The end of his life was pure radiance of love and compassion for his students, friends and followers. Sat was accompanied during his departure by one of the great loves of his life, his beloved Ma Prashanto, with whom he had shared his personal and professional life for over 38 years.
He leaves a huge legacy of love, truth and awareness.
Fly High, Beloved, high above the clouds, among the stars.
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