Life and Death Meditation

Osho on Death

These two – the life and death meditation – are going to help you tremendously.

Girl waking up

[An elderly sannyas came to say goodbye to Osho tonight. He discussed what meditations would be suitable for her, saying that if she did Nadabrahma in the morning, she should do the ‘life/death’ meditation each evening.]

In the night before you go to sleep, do this fifteen-minute meditation. It is a death meditation. Lie down and relax your body. Just feel like dying and that you cannot move your body because you are dead. Just create the feeling that you are disappearing from the body. Do it for ten, fifteen minutes, and you will start feeling it within a week. Meditating that way, fall asleep. Don’t break it. Let the meditation turn into sleep, and if sleep overcomes you, go into it.

In the morning, the moment you feel you are awake – don’t open your eyes – do the life meditation. Feel that you are becoming more wholly alive, that life is coming back and the whole body is full of vitality and energy. Start moving, swaying in the bed with eyes closed. Just feel that life is flowing in you. Feel that the body has a great flowing energy – just the opposite of the death meditation. So do the death meditation in the night before falling asleep and the life meditation just before getting up.

With the life meditation you can take deep breaths. Just feel full of energy… life entering with breathing. Feel full and very happy, alive.

Then after fifteen minutes, get up.

These two – the life and death meditation – are going to help you tremendously.

Osho, A Rose is a Rose is a Rose, Ch 12

Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

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